THE Executive Director of the National Horticultural Research Institute, Doctor Muhammed Lawal Attanda has urged the Federal Government of Nigeria to bring farmers in the informal sector to the formal scene, as this would not only solve the problem of unemployment in the country, but also solve the economic crisis on going in the country.
This he said as he while speaking with journalists during the annual In-House Research Review and Planning Meeting with the theme ‘Innovative Horticultural Crop Research Panacea to Sustainable Food and Nutrition, Security and Economic Empowerment’ which held recently at the National Horticultural Research Institute (NIHORT), Jericho Reservation Area, Idi-Isin, Ibadan.
The In-House Research Review and Planning meeting was organised in respect to the new innovations carried out by the researchers of the institution which are as follows; Tuna Trap Tray, Biopesticides (NIHORT Lyptol and NIHORT Ratkin), Herbal teas, Fabrication of Irvingia decorticator machine, Value added products, Musana Soaps, Fabrication of Horticultural Waste Shredder, Solar dryer and amongst other research inventions.
According to him, the country is currently experiencing a great challenge in the area of food productions, thus the need to carry out researches that could create solutions and sustainable food and nutrition, security, and economic empowerment for the masses at large.
In his words, “the need to integrate local farmers into the working system of Nigeria is of a great necessity. Majorly when we talk about unemployment, most times we refer to white collar jobs, but what about the numerous local farmers that we have in the country, the government can create a system whereby they would be employed formerly, provided with mordernised farming tools, and thus, creating more employment for many.