Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives in today’s world. There is literally no place in the world where mobile phones are not in use as these gadgets have found a way of making themselves indispensable in our daily lives.
An integral part of our smartphones is the battery, we won’t be wrong to say the battery is the life source of our phones.
There have been a lot of myths and assumptions about the lifespan of our phone batteries. There are certain practices that individuals have concluded are responsible for the damage to our mobile phone batteries.
Discussed in this article are myths about mobile phone batteries that you should not fall for anymore.
1. Charging overnight destroys the battery
Regardless of who said this, charging your phone battery overnight has no connection with your battery getting damaged. Rather it will provide you with a battery life that is sufficient for your activities during the day.
Today’s phones use lithium-ion batteries, which have been programmed in such a way that they regulate their power management.
Worried about your phone battery getting overcharged? You don’t need to as smartphones these days have been produced in such a way that they stop charging when they get to 100%. So, you see, you need not bother yourself about “overcharging.”
2. Drain your battery before charging
Another myth you should not believe about phone batteries is that you need to drain your battery completely before charging.
Not only do you not need to do this, but you also shouldn’t.
Every lithium-ion battery comes with a fixed amount of charge cycles (the number of times you can charge up to 100 per cent and run down to 0 percent).
An iPhone for instance, has a lifespan of about 400 to 500 charge cycles. But that doesn’t mean you can only plug it in 500 times—it means you have 500 chances to let it go from a full charge to no charge at all.
So, if you let your battery drain completely every day, it will last 500 days.
If you charge it before it drains and top it off throughout the day, you’ll stretch out the time those 500 charges will last.
3. Batteries last forever if charged properly
This is another myth you should not believe as no battery has been produced that is meant to last forever. There will always be a need to replace our batteries as they tend to wear out with use.
As a bonus, know that lithium-ion batteries don’t like being really low or really high.
Experts agree that keeping your phone’s battery between 30 and 80 per cent most of the time is the sweet spot for promoting its longevity.
4. Don’t use your phone while charging
The truth is that there is no danger in using your phone while charging.
When you use your phone while it is charging, the battery is charging at a slower rate than normal to allow enough power for ongoing usage.
Except you tamper with the makeup of your phone or make use of a wrong charger, nothing can happen when you use your phone while it’s charging.
Now that you know that the above myths about phone batteries are not true, ensure you maintain a healthy battery life.