Is this diabetes?

Although I don’t suffer from the well -known tell -tale signs of diabetes such as frequent urination and extreme thirst,I still feel weak and tired as if I have Diabetes. Kindly let me know if there are other important signs of the ailment.

Smollet  (by SMS)


Diabetes Mellitus is a common condition where your body loses its ability to use up glucose in the blood, also known as blood sugar. There are a number of symptoms that can accompany type 2 diabetes — and many of them start to show up early. As you rightly mentioned, the most common early signs of type 2 diabetes are frequent urination, extreme thirst. Other symptoms that may alert you to this disease include; Increased hunger, Nerve pain or numbness, Slow healing of wounds and Blurred vision. If you have any of the above, it is advisable to see your doctor for a proper check- up.



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