Belly fat is one that accumulates around the abdomen and it can be found in two layers: subcutaneous fat, which is just below the skin and visceral fat, which is deeper in the abdomen.
Visceral fat is located deep in the abdomen and surrounds organs like the liver, heart and lungs.
And while having too much belly fat can increase your risk of developing serious health conditions, including high blood pressure, high blood sugar and diabetes, heart disease, stroke, some cancers and dementia among others, it is difficult to get rid of them.
There are some factors that make it difficult to get rid of belly fat; unhealthy eating is the biggest driver of big bellies; too many starchy carbohydrates and bad fats are a recipe for midsection expansion. Eat plenty of veggies, lean proteins and stay away from fats from red meats.
Eating too much is partly to blame for the flab around the belly area. It causes under skin belly fat and fat under your abdominal muscles and around vital organs. It makes cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure more likely; limiting your portions can keep visceral fat down.
Smoking leads to more abdominal and visceral fat and when stress hormone cortisol goes through your body, fat takes residence in your belly.
Beer: It’s not just beer and the carbs in beer that make that beer belly pop. All alcohol has calories. If you take in too many calories, especially if you’re not exercising and eating well, you will pack on the pounds. If you drink, remember to do it in moderation.
Sports drinks can have a lot of sugar. That brings calories. If you drink too many of these, you’re setting yourself up for weight gain that might end up around your beltline. Cut back on sugary, high-calorie drinks. That means energy drinks and non-diet sodas, too.
Studies show that drinking more water can help you lose weight. Choosing water instead of sweetened drinks means fewer calories. That can help you trim that belly fat.
Genetics: Your family tree affects your chances of obesity. It also has a say in where you store fat. Still, there is hope. Striking the right balance between how many calories you take in and how many you burn can help keep you from gaining weight, despite your genes.
If you are not sleeping, you are jump-starting stress hormones that encourage your body to keep fat.
READ ALSO:Â You can burn belly fat by avoiding these 5 things