Storytelling is the act and skill of presenting stories and tales. This genre of behavioural psychology uses narrative, dialogue, conversation and heroics in a didactic way to impact habits and encourage exemplary actions as well as extraordinary deeds. It is very effective in influencing individuals, groups and even activities.
Purchase decisions are most times made by the instinctive subconscious. Individual psychology by way of empathy and self-knowledge plays obvious roles in achieving patronage. Even more effective still is social intelligence. The smart sales person can make his audience (individual or group) receptive through interpersonal competencies that are achieved through diligent observation of habits and impulses. You can choose a relevant context and impact decisions in your favour and also foster positive feelings, cooperation and support.
Today, to generate sure demand and achieve patronage we tell “authentic” stories. The stories are characterized by compelling insights, engaging narrative, data visualization and clear takeaways.
SCQA strategy Framework has become very handy in sales (Situation, Complication, Question and Answer). This Framework provides the context for recommendation and supporting details; and then the solution. The “situation” is how you met it or how things are; complication is why you are recommending a change in that situation and of course, the reason for your presentation. The question is what gets raised by the complication and what needs to be solved. The answer is your resolution. You don’t just leave your prospects in the middle of your data trove. Make your “answer” very easy for them to understand. Lead them along and create a narrative or presentation that has “life” and is doable.
You can also use the Inverted Pyramid Principle which is very popular with journalists. Start your narrative with the main “very useful idea”, guide them into supporting details and then, the convincing data of that idea.
Let us quickly drive through the Content Strategy. This strategy builds massive trust and convinces your prospect as well as customer that you are a very helpful partner. You earn and attract attention with it and thereby, achieve short and long term results. With the content strategy, you build awareness for your offerings, trigger beneficial conversation and engagement. The end result is not just patronage but also, long term loyalty.
Let us divide our “sales funnel” into three (3) buckets: Top of the funnel, middle and bottom of content narration. The first on your to-do list is to create awareness. Then you move on to the middle funnel during which you make “helpful” content top of the mind. You then connect and engage (the group or individual) and then proceed to the deeper level of exchanging “calculated” communication. You can now generate demand for your relevant, authentic and helpful offerings. It is at this stage that you intensely make it clear that satisfying your customer will be done professionally and that it will be to his great advantage when compared with competition. Still showing that you are helpful and not just selling, introduce your “lead magnet” that will convert, transform and deliver beneficial outcomes. Your conclusions at this stage must be based on the information supplied and gleaned from the prospect.
It is very important that you nurture “sequence”. Make sure your prospect (and customers) are getting what they want which must include advice, pricing information and of course, the “deals”. On the price, be flexible (not too specific) until the needful is done. Capitalize on the trust you have built and keep them engaged as well as relaxed in your “trusted” arms.
The “bottom” of the content or funnel must showcase your incredibly persuasive testimonials, differentiating strengths and the uniquely beneficial value of your offerings.
With your story telling and sales content strategy, you should be able to achieve a go-to-market disruption. Move your prospects and customers (for additional patronage) in a way they want and not your usual “sales and marketing touch”. Strive to push a product/service that is beneficially differentiated enough to have unique narrative. This must be communicated succinctly and actively. Your demand generation must be so strong that prospects will with joy, request for them. It is like switching on the light. They will even “move the needle” on word-of-mouth for you to create additional demand and patronage.
Do you know that your compelling content can generate demand even in the “dark funnel” and for those who are married to their attribution model, habit-focus and mindsets? We can with our “help narrative”, accelerate sales cycles, capture demand in intent channels and also awareness channels. Empowering marketing/sales teams with this proven storytelling and sales content strategy, will surely create an efficient demand machine that becomes a competitive advantage.
In the midst of inadequacies as a result of contracting size-of-pocket, people are looking for ways to still optimize their needs and desires. We must therefore, engage with them, go beyond the expected and push the boundaries. Let us step into their shoes and be authentically relevant. We can surely find “optimal” balance and make it as good as possible.
Let me conclude by pointing out that as committed partners (no matter the departments, units and individual responsibilities in our organisations) in on-going efforts to move the economy forward (no matter how tough things are) and ensure profitability as well as growth, we have three choices to make. You can be innovative, adaptive or reactive. Those who are innovative must create new solutions to existing problems and new problems. The adaptive ones must keep working very hard with speed, skill and agility. While, those who are reactive and have chosen the easy and risk free approach, will always fight on price and will be constantly struggling.