I am 84 years old with good appetite and in good health. However, for over 6 years, I have been having delayed bowel movements. I usually don’t go to the toilet until I consume laxatives for about 4 or 5 days. Kindly let me know what to do to curb this problem.
Ugochukwu (by SMS)
In addition to regular water intake, it is also advisable to add High-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds to your diet. Fiber adds bulk to stool, softening it and easing its passage through the digestive tract, which helps prevent and alleviate constipation.
It also promotes regular bowel movements by supporting healthy digestion and maintaining gut health. Physical exercise which at your age can consist of occasional walks will also aid digestion since a sedentary life may reduce your bowel movement.
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