This newborn baby defied nurse’s belief, normal developmental goals and gravity to take to her tiny feet and walk in the hospital just minutes after being born.
The stunned workers in the Brazilian maternity hospital were trying to bath the little girl with the very large will for the very first time.
But the newborn had very different ideas.

Daily Mail in its report said the nurse, dressed in surgical robes with a clinical mask over her mouth, cries out in Portuguese in amazement: ‘Oh my gosh, the girl is walking. Good gracious!’
‘Wait let me film this,’ another person in the room can be heard saying.
They then shout for another colleague called Ju to come to witness the amazing moment.
‘Ju, Ju come and see this,’ they cry.
The midwife in the video explains that she has been trying to give the baby a bath but the child just wants to get up and walk.
‘Merciful father. I was trying to wash her here and she keeps getting up to walk,’ she says as she points with one hand to where she initially tried to lay the baby down to give the child her very first bath.
‘She has walked from here to here,’ she says pointing across the  distance the newborn has already covered.
Her incredible will and super-baby strength would make the animated characters in Baby Boss and Stewie in Family Guy look less far-fetched than they may have previously appeared.
The amazing video was uploaded to social media on Friday.
Since then it has amazed viewers who have said that the tiny baby’s attempts to walk are miraculous.
It has already had more than 50 million views and 1.3 million shares on Facebook.
Limited details are available to identify where exactly the incident took place or whose baby it is, but the insignia on the midwife’s robes suggest she works at a Santa Cruz Hospital, in a city in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, south Brazil.
Newborn babies generally take up to 12 months to learn to walk and that usually comes only after they have achieved and passed other major miles-stones in their development such as hand to eye coordination, sitting up and crawling.