T ODAY, I have this rejoinder on the issue of out of wedlock children. I think it is worth the effort. It was nice reading this piece on the issue of wives raising other men’s children in their matrimonial homes. It has got me thinking about what went wrong. That is, what has come upon wives to become so promiscuous to the extent of raising other men’s children in the convenience of the four walls of their marriages. As I thought of this development, I suddenly spoke out loudly this phrase, “husbands are reaping what they sow”. So, thought just kept flowing, and I started remembering how husbands, over the years have been secretly bearing children out of wedlock. This knows no bounds: Rich, poor, handsome, ugly. They just keep doing their illicit thing, causing great heart pains for their wives.
The following examples will suffice in confirming this evil that husbands do to their wives.
*A man, I will name, Skill, for the purpose of this write up, died and at his burial, a woman brought two children to the ceremony. At the end, the man’s family introduced her and the children as the woman who gave birth to two children for the late husband. This is a couple who had struggled together in marriage. What a devastating blow it was to the wife.
*The case of Mr. Stone was not different, except for the fact that it was on his sick bed that his other woman brought four children that she had for him. According to Mr. Stone he never planned it that way, but it just happened. The wife nearly ran mad from the shock of the revelation.
* Let the case of Rev. Justice, serve as the last example of the pains husbands have been causing their wives. He had a growing network of churches, and gave his family, wife and three children, the best of attention. They seemed to be a perfect family, until it became known by chance, that the kind-hearted, caring and generous man of God, had generously and mistakingly too, impregnated another woman twice, and the resultant outcome came up as three children: a set of twins, in the first instance, and a boy, the second time. Since the discovery, that family has not remained at peace again.
All these atrocities of many years must have resulted in wives paying back the husbands, in their own coin. After all, what is good for the goose, is also good for the sauce. The victim husbands of wives with children from other men now know how it feels when husbands like them, father children outside their matrimonial homes. They now understand what emotional trauma and mental torture wives go through when husbands throw children from other women at them.
The point I am making is that, though it is a bad thing for the wives to do, it was all the fault of the husbands who have been fathering children outside their matrimonial homes. The wives have now started playing the game with their husbands, in a more terrible manner. Or is not more terrible for wives to make their husbands, cater for children that are not theirs, believing such children belong to them? That is the evil we must find a way to end in our society.
To end it, husbands have a great role to play. They must take the marriage institution as the only legal way, that is proper to raise children. They must end the frustration of wives over their escapades outside the marriage, with the resultant out of wedlock children. They must stand against husbands who violate the sanctity of marriage, with respect to out of wedlock children. When this is done, wives will become more sane in their marriages. All hands must be on deck to end the evil of out of wedlock children, either way, be it from husbands, who started it, or wives, who are also becoming masters at the game.
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