How to maintain good relationship with your neighbours

Young attractive woman with daughter and positive man talking on the border of the garden plot

Everyone has a neighbour unless you are living on an island surrounded by water or in a desert. Even at that, you might still have a neighbour in such parts of the world. 

For you to have an amazing and pleasant living situation, you need to have a peaceful relationship with your neighbour. It might not be cordial because some neighbours might be a little nosy, especially when you get too close to them and creating a distance thereafter might be so hard. 

Also, having a friendly relationship with your neighbour might be helpful in times of emergency. No one prays for bad occurrences or situations, but there have been stories of people who would have died if there wasn’t a neighbor to help them. 

Your neighbour might be a run-to person in case there is an emergency, but it depends on the kind of relationship you have with them.

So, to build and maintain a better relationship with your neighbor, try the following tips.

1. Be respectful

Being respectful of your neighbours also gains you respect. Adhering to the boundaries created by your neighbours shows that you respect them, and this helps to maintain a good relationship with them. 

No one likes a nosy neighbour who interferes in people’s issues without being called to interfere.

Staying off of matters that don’t concern you in the community shows your respect for your neighbors and even the community at large. 

Respect their space and privacy, especially if that is what your neighbors cherish so much.

2. Be approachable

Looking like someone who woke up at the wrong side of the bed every single day makes you unapproachable. No one wants to associate with regular sadists. 

When passing through or even walking round your compound, try to smile once in a while. Smile at your neighbour’s kids, play with them for a few minutes, compliment your neighbour’s outfit moderately. This makes you approachable. Only through this can they walk up to you to have a few conversations with you. 

3. Communicate with them once in a while

Communication builds friendship. It is the foundation of every relationship, whether intimate or not. If you live in a compound with a lot of people, you can’t obviously be friends with all of them, but just ‘good morning’, ‘hello’, or ‘good afternoon’  will do once in a while. 

Pleasantries might be one way to build and maintain a good relationship with your neighbours.

4. Learn to apologise when wrong

When you notice you’ve wronged your neighbors directly or indirectly, try as much as possible to apologise. This should be a sincere and heartfelt apology without conditions. Apologise for what you’ve done, even if they played a part in the wrongdoing. This helps you live in harmony and builds a strong relationship.

5. Be considerate

Most neighbors are usually too sensitive to certain things, especially pets. Some don’t like noise, especially when they are nursing a baby. You have to consider a lot of things before acting out or carrying out some actions. Maintain decorum and avoid playing loud music. 

6. Follow the rules and regulations of the community

This has to do with abiding by the rules that govern that community. Keeping your environment neat, following parking rules in your compound, being reasonable with your pets helps your neighbor live comfortably. It is only through this that you can have a friendly relationship with them. Doing otherwise tampers with their comfort.



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