Doing good is relative, so it comes with different opinions. When last did you ask yourself the reason for that act of kindness received by another person? Some JSS students of Medmina College, Ibadan express their views on the topic.
Toyyibah Akano, J.S.S 3
First, goodness is anything that has to do with the act of charity and purity. Now, if you believe goodness is good, it depends on where you are coming from. In my opinion, in the act of doing well, the first thing is you should know what your intentions are as well as the result of the act. Goodness could be good or bad, the best thing is to think of its effect on you, if it goes along your intentions. However, when doing good to people, ensure you use the right approach. For instance, in a notion to correct a child of his wrong, you hit him on a wrong part of the body. That single act could affect physically, mentally and emotionally and even taking against you, as child abuse. On a final note, doing good is fine, if it has been certified by God.
Abdulwahab Muhammad
Have you ever felt good about something to the extent that you do not want anything in return? Have you ever done something from the heart and felt proud of it? I know it feels awesome. I cannot count the number of times I have helped and still do every day without complaining. When you do good, it feels good because you are happy and others feel the same way.
To me, the reason people do good is because they feel a sense of relief and happiness. On the other hand, people also do good because they will get a reward from heaven, get famous or personal gain.
Mubarak Aliyu
Doing good for attention is show-off and it is not acceptable in my religion. Showing kindness without making noise has a great reward. If you do good with an intention to seek attention, people might sing your praises but you would not receive such blessings that follow as promised by God.
Adiyatullah Babalola
Doing good is about helping others, saving them from harm. For example, picking a dangerous object from the floor, feeding the needy or the poor, are examples of doing good. When you do good, there are benefits it naturally brings one’s way: it draws attention to you from people, it also boost one’s self-esteem, brings admiration and appreciation from the society, creates motivation, boosts happiness and sense of well-being. In addition, doing good to one another brings respect or honour, promotes peace, love and more importantly, God will reward you abundantly.
Muhammed Saheed Asimiyu
As for me, I do not do good in order to get noticed by people around. Any good deed should not be out of selfish interest though there are individuals who do so to earn praise and thank you from their beneficiaries. Individuals and in some cases organisations have various reasons such as to gain popularity, trust and attract more friends/fans. In the real sense, the only reason why we should show love, be kind, make others happy by putting smiles on their faces is because it is a command from God whose example or lifestyle we are following.