Media practitioner and filmmaker, Comrade Alex Eyengho, is the spokesman of the Ologbotsere Descendants of Warri Kingdom. He is also the publisher of Warri Mirror magazine. He speaks with EBENEZER ADUROKIYA on issues bordering on the purported suspension of the Ologbotsere, Ayirimi Emami and the recent glamorous coronation of Ogiame Atuwatse III, among others. Excerpts:
Your appointment as the spokesman for the Ologbotsere Eyinmisanre Descendants of Warri Kingdom appears to have coincided with the suspension of the Ologbotsere, Ayirimi Emami by the Ginuwa 1 Ruling House and the Warri Council of Chiefs in the build-up to the succession process. Any connection?
There is no connection whatsoever. The family, at a general meeting, felt there was a need to elect a spokesperson and Assistant Secretary for the family. While Mr.Jemine Amorighoye was elected as the Assistant Secretary, I, Alex Eyengho, was elected as the Spokesperson and my functions include, but not limited, to handling media and communication, generally. By the special grace of God, I have been carrying out these functions to the satisfaction of the family and, obviously, discomfort of those poised to rubbish the family. Secondly, I must make it clear that the purported and so-called suspension of the Ologbotsere of Warri Kingdom, Chief Ayirimi Emami, according to you by the Ginuwa I Ruling House and the Warri Council of Chiefs, was an exercise in futility because they have no such powers either under extant laws or the Itsekiri custom and tradition. Can any of them, either individually or collectively, confer the least Chieftaincy title of Warri Kingdom on anybody? The answer is obviously ‘no!’ Therefore, they cannot take what they cannot give except through robbery!
Why was your Ologbotsere not at the glamorous, well-attended coronation ceremony of the then Olu-designate, Omoba ‘Tsola Emiko?
What do you mean by “your Ologbotsere?” Chief Ayirimi Emami is the Ologbotsere of Warri Kingdom and not just my Ologbotsere. He did not attend the said coronation because he is before a court of competent jurisdiction challenging the process that led to the emergence of Prince ‘Tsola Emiko as the Omoba/Olu-designate of Warri Kingdom.
He was accused of trying to tear apart as well as usurp the powers of the Ginuwa I Ruling House by trying to smuggle in his own candidate for the Olu throne contrary to tradition of the kingdom?
How so? Talk, particularly in the form of accusation, is cheap. The onus of proof is on them. The Ologbotsere has no role whatsoever in the emergence of the Omoba because that is exclusively the mandate of members of the Ginuwa I Ruling House. He was not in any of their meetings to pick the Omoba. The Ologbotsere is the Chairman of the Olu Advisory Council, whose responsibility, it is, to receive the letter transmitting the name of the Omoba selected by the Ginuwa I Rulling House. After months of delay, two letters, selecting two different Omobas, were transmitted to the Ologbotsere. One, signed by Prince Emmanuel Okotie-Eboh nominated Prince Tsola Emiko, while the other letter signed by Chief Dimeyin Dudu Akoma, selected Prince Oyowoli Ikenwoli-Emiko. This was the situation which the Ologbotsere-led Olu Advisory Council made deliberate efforts to manage. So, how does this translate to having his own candidate, tear apart or usurp the powers of a divided Ginuwa Ruling House? These people should just stop being economical with the truth.
The Ologbotsere was also alleged to have denigrated the Ginuwa I Ruling House by shredding and packaging back a letter sent to him to find out why he was delaying presenting the candidate before the seven-member Olu’s Advisory Council?
To start with, the Ologbotsere did not delay for one day the presentation of any candidate to the Olu Advisory Council. Rather, it was the factional problem within the Ginuwa I Ruling House that delayed the presentation. The Ologbotsere eventually presented Prince ‘Tsola Emiko as candidate to the Olu Advisory Council as soon as possible after due consultations over the two candidates sent to him by the two factions of the Ginuwa I Ruling House. The issue of denigrating the Ginuwa I Ruling House is mere propaganda taken too far. In fact, it was a faction of the Ginuwa I Ruling House led by Prince Emmanuel Okotie-Eboh that set out to denigrate the Ologbotsere by deliberately addressing him wrongly in a letter they sent to him, where they equated him with the Iyatsere and other Chiefs. This was a sharp departure from previous correspondences from them to him. It was this letter he shredded. However, because they knew they were wrong, Prince Okotie-Eboh was brought to the Ologbotsere the following day by Prince Yemi Emiko where he (Okotie-Eboh) apologized profusely to the Ologbotsere for the deliberate and calculated attempt to denigrate and undermine him. This happening is an undeniable fact.
We learnt the Ologbotsere was admonished by the Olu-designate, prior to coronation, to write and publish an apology to the Itsekiri nation over his alleged misconduct as well as use his network of people to help retrieve the missing crown and other artifacts to calm frayed nerves. Why has he not done so?
This is hearsay and, indeed, abrasiveness of the likes of Chief Brown Mene. The Olu-designate, prior to the coronation, never told the Ologbotsere anything of such and could not have said so. Write and publish a letter of apology for what and over what? Apologize for saying that the extant laws guiding the succession to the Olu of Warri throne should be followed? Misconduct for doing the right thing in the overall interest of the Itsekiri custom, tradition and extant laws? I don’t really understand these people. They know those who are in custody of the missing items. It is those who invaded the Palace of the Olu of Warri in the dead of the night. They should stop chasing shadows and go after the real targets. In any case, they have petitioned the police over these missing items and we are still awaiting the police to fish out those who perpetrated the act.
Why did he opt for the court to challenge the process of selection of new Olu over the so-called Declaration (edict) that’s said to be clear on the criteria of selecting an Olu which the current Olu fulfilled?
Going to court was the right thing to do because the other alternative left for him was to resort to self-help. Mind you, he did not just rush to court. He was purportedly suspended in March 2021 and he did not go to court until July 2021. This meant that he gave room for well-meaning Itsekiris and friends of Itsekiri to mediate, but all such mediation failed. As a journalist, I expect you to know that what you are describing as “so-called Declaration (edict)” is the extant laws guiding the succession to the Olu of Warri throne. Because the matter is already in court, I will not take you up on your claim of who fulfilled the selection criteria or not because such comments by me or anybody may be subjudice at this point
We learnt that the Ologbotsere kept saying that unless he would say with his own mouth that the transition of the late Ikenwoli has happened, it has not happened. Why was he parading himself as an Olu?
Again, as a journalist, I expect you to know that he was saying this in tandem with the provisions of the extant laws. How does this amount to parading himself as an Olu? Is it an Olu that would announce the transition of an Olu? Oh! please, give me a break! Why fall for cheap blackmail and propaganda of these people?
If you deny the above, how about allegedly wearing a T-shirt with the inscription: “I am the king” and displaying same on the social media for all to see?
Yet, another cheap blackmail and propaganda from them! This one is even very petty, to say the least. First, it was not a T-shirt, but a knicker with that very inscription. It simply means “I am the fashion King.” I am sure you know that Ologbotsere Ayirimi Emami is a very fashionable person. In fact, he had that knicker long before the transition of Ogiame Ikenwoli who, himself, had seen the Ologbotsere with that same knicker several times. These people just went to Facebook and pick a very old picture of the Ologbotsere with the knicker on and portrayed it as if the picture was after the passing of Ogiame Ikenwoli. You can see how silly and petty some people can be.
We also learnt he masterminded the dressing of Prince Oyowoli Ikenwoli as Olu-designate in Idaniken (seclusion) and vowed to crown him on August 19, 2021. How true is this allegation and why should he go this far?
Another bunkum allegation. Absolute nonsense with no iota of truth. I don’t even need to dignify this sort of street talk with my response, please.
In Itsekiri, of 21 Olus, the Ologbotsere only reportedly oversaw the crowning of just four Olus, meaning the absence of the Ologbotsere does not really matter much when the transition and succession plans are on in Iwereland. What will eventually happen if he loses his title?
Not all the Olus had Ologbotsere. However, either with the Ologbotsere or in his absence, it is the descendants that have the statutory function to crown Omobas/Olu-designates of Warri Kingdom. The extant law is actually very clear that it is the Ologbotsere that should handle the crowning. The holder of the Ologbotsere title holds it for life. Only death can take it from him. I think I should stop here on this because it is part of the matter that may be argued in court.
What’s your take on the unprecedented acceptance, grandeur, glamour and glory that trailed the very successful coronation of the 21st Olu of Warri that has made Itsekiri worldwide an envy of all? Aren’t you happy?
The coronation of past Olus of Warri has never been anything less in terms of what was trending and available at such moments and periods. The Itsekiri have always been known for class, finesse, glamour, grandeur, panache and what have you. So, I am not surprised.
The Olu Atuwatse III has called for reconciliation, forgiveness and healing in Iwereland and Nigeria as a whole. Won’t you and your Ologbotsere take advantage of the olive branch offered by the Olu and sheathe your swords by withdrawing the court cases you’ve initiated?
It is a right call. However, the Ologbotsere of Warri Kingdom, Chief Ayirimi Emami and those who believe in his position of standing with the extant laws, really have no advantage to take of any olive branch. We are not at dagger’s drawn with anybody so the issue of sheathing our swords does not arise. The court cases initiated by the parties (Prince Bernard Emiko/Prince Oyowoli Ikenwoli-Emiko and the Ologbotsere of Warri Kingdom, Chief Ayirimi Emami) I believe is the civilized step to take as against resorting to self-help. However, I believe that people can always talk at any stage of such court cases with a view to settling out of court. Nothing is impossible. Let’s just hope for the best.
“For the avoidance of doubt, the Warri Council of Chiefs, the Olu-in-Council, all standing ad-hoc and Sub-committees are dissolved forthwith. The mandatory revalidation/confirmation of Chieftaincy titles shall commence on the 2nd day of September, 2021.” The above excerpt is from a statement issued by Ogiame Atuwatse III today. What will happen if the position of the Ologbotsere held by Chief Ayirimi Emami is not revalidated vis a vis the claim that it’s the Ologbotsere dynasty that determines who should hold the title?
To the best of my knowledge as a student of Itsekiri history, the tradition of revalidation/confirmation of Chieftaincy titles by the holders under the reign of a new Olu of Warri is not part of our custom and tradition, ab initio. It started during the reign of His Majesty, Ogiame Atuwatse II, CON, shortly after his coronation in 1987 when he said he was not going to reconfirm the then Ologbotsere of Warri Kingdom, Chief O.N. Rewane and a group of Chiefs who are members of the Itsekiri Leaders of Thought. Even at that, it was done by Atuwatse II unofficially, with no letter or media publication to that effect. When His Majesty, Ogiame Ikenwoli ascended the throne, he made no issue out of this, but jokingly said to the Chiefs he inherited from his predecessor that they should reach out to him as their new husband (In Itsekiriland, Chiefs are seen as Olu’s wives). There was nothing official in form of letter, media publication, compulsion or timeline to this. So, this one by this Ogiame is unprecedented! It is also unprecedented that the Council of Chiefs inherited by a new Olu was dissolved by him as headlined in various newspaper reports. In the same vein, the Olu Advisory Council (Ojoye Isan) is a statutory body made up of the Ologbotsere as Chairman with the Iyatsere, Uwangue, Ojomo and Otsodi as members. Members of this statutory body cannot be dissolved by Ogiame, suo moto while they are still alive. It is like the executive arm of government announcing the dissolution of the legislative and judiciary arms of Government in a democratic government! So, dissolving this organ is another unprecedented feat in Warri Kingdom! However, I believe that the organ an Olu can suo moto dissolve include, but not limited to, the Olu-in-Council and other Committees, subcommittees etc inherited or set up by him. This is what I know before now. Finally, should the Ologbotsere of Warri Kingdom, Chief Ayirimi Emami go for the Chieftaincy revalidation/confirmation exercise? I don’t think he will do that because he is in court before now challenging the entire process that brought in Atuwatse III as the 21st Olu of Warri. Participating in that exercise will be subjudice and seen as his endorsement of what he is already challenging in court. Also, some people believe that this whole sudden move is targeted at the Ologbotsere of Warri Kingdom, Chief Ayirimi Emami and all the Chiefs perceived to be loyal to him. Personally, I am persuaded to key into this line of thought, but I hope it is not true.
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