A good reading habit is one that is expected of everyone regardless of the age, academic qualifications or status as readers are leaders.
Making reading a part of our daily life helps keep us updated about happenings in the world, widens our horizon and help in shaping us into better version of ourselves.
Having a reading target for the day, week, month or year is a great idea but the problem lies in the actualisation of this plan.
Meeting your reading target might become an issue if you’re not determined, disciplined and if you don’t put measures that will help you achieve your target in place.
To help you actualise your reading goals and also meet your reading target, here are 5 tips to be adhered to.
1. Read on the Go
Reading only when you are at home or when you are less busy might not be a good idea if you intend on meeting your reading target.
The number of hours we spend in traffic or while we are in transit staying idle can be channeled into helping us meet our reading target.
So, instead of just chatting all the way , pressing your mobile phones or catching a nap while on the go, you should take your book along with you and read on the go.
As this will help you make productive use of your time as you increase your chances of meeting your reading target.
2. Diversify your reading medium
Gone are the days where the only means of reading is through hardcopy texts. Nowadays, books come in form of audios, videos and audio visuals.
So, instead of sticking to your hardcopy text, you can incorporate the use of the audio version of the text or alternatively get apps that can read the book into your hearing.
Meeting your reading target becomes easier as with the help of Audiobooks, you can continue your reading even while engaging in other activities like cooking, cleaning or walking.
3. Join a study group
Another tip that can help you meet your reading target is joining a study group.
I have witnessed instances where people find it hard to read through the Holy book on their own. What most people then do to achieve their plan of completely reading the Holy book within a certain duration is for them to join a reading group and before you know it, they achieve their reading target seamlessly.
This same method can be applied if you want to meet your reading target, all you need do is find people with like minds who have the same target then you can all work together to achieve your reading goals.
4. Make reading part of your daily routine
We are what we give ourselves to daily.
Just as there are certain things that you can’t do without doing in a day as they are part of your daily routine, the same principle should be applied to your reading target.
Look for means of incorporating reading into your daily routine such that you cannot do but read before the dusk of each day.
You can either set a particular time of the day where you devote yourself to reading even if it is a single chapter per day. Before you know it, your body becomes accustomed to this reading routine and you begin to do it seamlessly thus meeting your reading target.
5. Read before going to bed
Even after incorporating reading into your daily routine there is nothing wrong in making reading before going to bed an additional habit.
Instead of surfing through the internet or seeing a movie before going to bed, you can decide to read. And wherever you stop before you doze off, you can continue from there the next day.
Reading atleast 30minutes before your bed time will help you in no small way in meeting your reading target.
Try out the following tips and I see you crushing your reading target.
Check out these 5 kind of books that you can read in order to increase your IQ