Have you ever heard of the phrase; ‘you are what you eat’? Nowhere is this more applicable than in the realm of breakfast. The foods we choose in the morning can either power us through the day or leave us feeling like we’re running on empty. It’s breakfast, the meal that lays the foundation for your daily adventure, and it’s time to rethink your choices.
The choices you make in the morning can set the tone for your entire day. But here’s a breakfast revelation – some foods, despite their popularity, can send your energy levels plummeting before noon.
According to Jerlyn Jones, a registered dietitian nutritionist based in the United States, the worst breakfast foods to eat in the morning are those low in fiber and high in added sugar and saturated fat.
“Sugary cereals, doughnuts, breakfast pastries, and sugary coffee drinks are loaded with simple sugars.
“These added sugars arrive all at once in your system like a sugar bomb and get converted into calories much more quickly. This can lead to negative health effects,” she added.
Let’s dive into the five foods you should avoid at all costs to ensure your mornings are full of vigor and vitality.
1. Refined Sugars and Sugary Cereals:
According to health practitioners, breakfast items containing refined sugars, such as those found in cereals, flavored yogurt, and pastries, can cause a quick surge in blood sugar levels. However, this is often followed by a subsequent drop, leading to fatigue and increased hunger shortly after consumption.
2. Highly Caffeinated Beverages:
Although coffee and energy drinks offer an initial caffeine boost, they might result in a subsequent energy dip as the morning progresses, leaving you feeling tired. Additionally, an excess of caffeine can disturb your sleep patterns.
3. Dairy and Lactose-Heavy Foods:
For individuals who are lactose intolerant, dairy products like milk and cheese can lead to digestive discomfort. This can cause bloating and discomfort during the morning.
4.Fruit juice: Fruit juice might seem like a healthier alternative to sugary sodas or sweetened teas for quenching your thirst, but it may not be the optimal choice.
Although fruit juice contains essential nutrients and antioxidants, it is often rich in sugar and lacks the fiber found in whole fruits, which can leave you feeling less satisfied.
5.Breakfast pastries:
Breakfast pastries such as doughnuts, cinnamon rolls, and toaster pastries are often the quick picks on busy mornings.
Yet, these are far from ideal breakfast choices. They are typically packed with sugar, fat, and calories, offering minimal protein and fiber. Consequently, they are unlikely to provide lasting satisfaction, potentially leaving you hungry well before lunch.
It’s best to reserve these breakfast pastries for occasional indulgences or special treats and instead opt for a more balanced meal as your everyday breakfast.