For many people, a 40th birthday is a sign that their younger years are behind them and it’s downhill towards senior citizenship from this point.
However, by getting in shape and maintaining a strong core level of fitness, you can reap the benefits as you progress through the second half if your life.
Increasing physical activity can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, boost your mental wellbeing and boost your life expectancy.
With that in mind, we take a closer look at the best ways to keep yourself fit after passing the dreaded 40th birthday landmark.
Eat yourself fit
If you are planning to embark on a fitness regime, it is imperative to ensure that your dietary intake supports your increased levels of physical activity.
Generally speaking, a healthy diet should consist of plenty of fruits and vegetates, whole grains and fish, while cutting down and sugar and processed foods is hugely beneficial.
However, it is worth noting that you lose muscle as you grow older, so increasing protein intake and undertaking strength exercises is advisable.
Eating healthily also ensures you feel more vibrant, thus giving you the platform to undertake fitness activities more effectively.
Take supplements
There is a ton of evidence-based research about supplements which highlights the benefits they offer when used in conjunction with a nutritious diet.
With the best will in the world, the chances of most people getting the requisite amount of vitamins and minerals through their daily food intake are fairly slim.
Supplements can help make up the difference, giving you a far better chance of maximising the benefits of your increased physical activity.
Pre-workout supplements are also worth considering, as these can give you the boost you need to power through even the toughest workout.
Ease into fitness
One of the biggest mistakes people make when starting fitness activities is to do too much, too soon. In simple terms, avoid this at all costs.
It is imperative to build up your fitness slowly, to ensure your body can cope with the additional stresses and strains you are placing it under.
In the first instance, it is advisable to seek advice from a health professional to make sure there are no underlying conditions that may prevent you from being more physical.
If you get the all clear, start your new regime with a mix of gentle strength and cardiovascular exercises and gradually extend the time and intensity over the next few weeks.
Do things you enjoy
Of all the pieces of advice on offer here, this is the most important one. Achieving your fitness goals will only happen if you enjoy what you are doing.
There is absolutely no point signing up for an expensive gym membership if the prospect of using the equipment there leaves you feeling cold.
If you love cycling, buy a bike. If walking is more your thing, invest in some proper footwear and head into the great outdoors.
Undertaking activities you enjoy doing will make it much easier to get fit and maintain that level of fitness as you grow older.
Try something new
This might seem contradictory to what we have just suggested, but do not be afraid to take the plunge and try something different.
For example, if you have never taken part in a spin class, head down to your local gym and sign up for one of their taster sessions.
Maybe you’ve never gone swimming since your school days or undertaken a workout on a punch bag – don’t be afraid to see whether you enjoy it.
Developing a new skill can be great way to keep your enthusiasm levels high when embarking on a new fitness regime as a senior athlete – it’s just a matter of finding the right activity.
Engage with friends or family
Many people struggle to stay motivated enough to maintain a fitness regime, but this can be rectified by engaging with friends or family.
Having someone alongside you can be an excellent motivational tool, making whatever activity you undertake much more enjoyable.
You can also introduce a competitive element to proceedings in simple ways such as daily step challenges or races on exercise bikes.
Making fitness activities a more social experience will increase your chances of overcoming those times when you feel a little lazy.
Don’t neglect rest & recovery
Everything up to this point has been about increasing activity, but it is important to give yourself time to recover properly too.
Always make sure that you warm up and cool down before training, and remember to build sufficient recovery time in between activities.
Make sure that you get the optimum amount of sleep to ensure your body has time to repair itself properly after any physical training.
Rest and recovery is a crucial part of any training regime, but becomes even more imperative as your progress through life.