Discussing issues around finances is one such topic, Craig always avoids. When he feels uncertain about the future, he would rather plan as the day comes. He is not as ambitious a man as his wife would like him to be. He is an easy-going guy; he likes to take his time to do most things. He’s somewhat phlegmatic in nature. Not easily excited to action or display of emotion; apathetic; calm, or composed.
Most people with a phlegmatic temperament are easy-going, calm, and unemotional. They can be indecisive and agreeable and are usually happy to allow others to make decisions for them. Hence his attraction to Lola who is more of an ambitious person and of choleric temperament.
Craig believes he has achieved a lot in this life by taking his time; while Lola simply thinks Craig is a procrastinator with no drive to make money or even try.
If Lola wants something, she goes for it. She makes decisions on the spot and always likes to have the plan to work with. She is the one who comes up with most of the activities and moves the relationship along. While Craig is the peaceful and calm one and this was what drew him to Lola’s choleric energy [Take-charge temperament].
Why do you always pull back anytime we need to discuss money issues and make financial plans? Lola asked Craig.
I watched you when we were dating, you always walk away from any money discussion. I didn’t pay attention then because I gave myself the excuse that you were too busy to talk.
But now it is evident to me that you always run away from this kind of discussion. I wonder how we will plan our lives if you are reluctant to speak about it. How do we plan for our children? The next home we should buy, the next car, and other things. Lola went on and on.
Were you listening to me at all? Lola asked Craig, who was busy playing with his phone. He had a popular game, he is now at the level where he is about to win. That game has always been a stress relief for him. He’s become somewhat addicted to it over the years. Roblox is one of the top ten games on the play store with over 500 million downloads.
Hmmm…. Craig sighed back to Lola.
I think I am now sounding like a broken record.
I have taken the liberty to get a financial advisor for both of us. I have booked an appointment for us to meet her at her office tomorrow. She is an investment guru and she will guide us through planning for our financial life as a couple she will also show us how best to handle our current finances and plan for the future.
Hmmm…. Craig sighed again.
I already paid for the session with your credit card, in case you get a debit alert. Lola explained.
What? What do you mean in case I get a debit alert? Craig exclaimed. But why would you do that without my permission? I gave you that card just for normal house expenses and you know that we have a limit every month.
The payment is just $30, this is just a small payment to book the appointment. Don’t worry it will be worth our while. The main payment will come when she gives us feedback from our session with her, and this is optional. If we find her professional enough, we will then make the second payment and she can then work with us bi-monthly or yearly.
She was highly recommended by a good friend.
You know, I have everything figured out about that card. Well, let me just see how this goes. Craig sighed again.
To be continued.