LAST time we began looking at the issue of confidence. We saw that there is absolutely no way you can maximize your potential without confidence.
“Confidence is knowing what you can do and being secure in your ability to do it. Having and displaying confidence at work can show you’re capable of rising to the challenges of your job, boost motivation and focus, and keep stress at bay.” Robert Half
Confidence is trust.
“Confidence basically means to trust. When you say that you have full confidence in someone, it means that you trust them. Similarly, self-confidence means to trust oneself, trust one’s abilities. It is an ability to make yourself comfortable in different situations while remaining true to yourself. Believing in oneself while accepting the flaws and becoming better. All these descriptions collectively make up the definition of self-confidence.”
Confidence can be learned so no one has an excuse.
“Self-confidence can be learned, practiced, and mastered–just like any other skill. Once you master it, everything in your life will change for the better.” Barrie Davenport
Confidence is attractive. It draws attention and gives opportunity to be listened to. Lack of confidence is a big disadvantage.
“Self-confidence is the basis of self-love, which is the basis for loving others and loving your life. Without self-confidence, you end up using a fraction of your potential of being uniquely “you.” With low self-confidence, self-love will not be enough to replace your self-doubt and feelings of not being “good enough.” Lack of confidence usually is correlated with being too critical judgmental on yourself and comparing yourself to others. When you do that, you’ll always find someone who is smarter, more attractive, skinnier, has more than you do, smarter kids, better luck and all around appearing to have a better life.” Carmen Jacob
Competence coupled with confidence will take any man to the top. Confidence will propel a competent person to reach his maximum potential. Confidence is a competence launcher. It creates and places competence on the stage to perform. Confidence always says to competence “go for it, seize the moment, this is your hour, this is what you have been preparing and waiting for so get on with it.”
The benefits of confidence cannot be over emphasized.
“There are many benefits perceived in having more confidence from: –
- stopping the fear of judgement from others
- valuing your own opinions and beliefs
- fully showing up as your true, authentic self
- doing things that currently scare you
- communicating better with colleagues, friends and family
- taking more action
- being happier
- making better decisions.” Lindsey Hood
Read Confidence (I) & Confidence (III)