Ditto is the experience of Cornelius, the Gentile who received the gospel after Peter preached to him and his household; and the Holy Spirit fell upon them. It is significant to note that the man was considered to be religious, “a devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God always” (Act 10:2). Yet there is something still missing in his life. And that his salvation which only comes by grace, not by work (lest any man should glory), but through faith in Christ. He got that salvation as the Holy Spirit fell upon his household while they spoke in tongues. Peter then asked can anyone restrain that these ones should be baptized.
Salvation is a free gift from God and you have to maintain it and hold it firmly.
There is joy of salvation. With joy you with fetch water from the well of salvation. The man of God prays “return the joy of your salvation unto me”. Isa 35:10, Ps 51:12, Isa 12:3
Salvation makes you to have peace with God because your sin has been removed and you have no case to answer again. Jesus is our advocate.
A saved person has access to God. Some Churches still think you have to pass through a medium, like angel, holy mother, reverend father or pastor to reach God. No. Salvation gives you direct access to God, the Father.
You also have confidence and boldness to serve God. No more fear. Fear is destructive. Many are returning to Satan because of fear. Saved people serve the Lord God because He loves them. They have reverent fear of God, not destructive fear. They don’t worship him out of fear that they would be destroyed by him but because He first love them.
Believers who are saved are sealed with the promise of Holy Ghost. If you are serving without the Holy Ghost then your salvation is falling. There are many in the house of God that have not received the Holy Ghost. Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed? Seek for Him, and you will have Him filling you.
Your genuine salvation makes your name to be written in the book of life
The saved are overcomers. We are more than conqueror through Him that loves us. With your salvation you are more than conqueror because there is no condemnation for you, nothing can stop you again from coming to the throne of grace.
The saved person will inherit eternal life with Christ.
To take hold of these benefits, you must work for it. There is the possible of falling from grace (salvation). So, maintain your salvation. To fall from grace doesn’t mean that you are not coming to Church again but the sign is in backsliding. You are falling away from the truth, giving heed to the doctrine of the devil, which many are indulging today even in the Church.
Assurance of salvation is the joy in your heart. If there is joy in your heart with Christ Jesus you have assurance. But if there is no joy in your heart then salvation is not in your life. Joy is different from happiness. You can be happy but that is momentary (Matt 13:44)
We believe Jesus, though we have not seen Him. We are blessed because we believe. Then we are filled with unspeakable joy. Ultimately, we receive the salvation of our souls. I am saved because there is joy in my heart, in my house and in my place of work.
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