Trust, these days, is becoming an endangered specie. People have been battered, beaten and bruised by people they trusted and expected more from. Politicians come promising heaven and earth during election campaigns but when it matters most they are found wanting. Once voted into office many politicians renege on their electoral promises and leave the electorate worse off. This has destroyed people’s trust for and in politicians.
In marriage infidelity, abuse, neglect has also dealt a bad blow on trust. We see couples living together without the needed trust to make their relationships work as it ought to. Lack of trust is a major reason for unhappy homes and broken marriages.
Due to betrayal and broken trust trust is now hoarded by people and many people are now guided by suspicion.
The governed do not trust the government. The employee does not trust the employer and vice versa. Children don’t trust their parents. The electorate don’t trust the politicians. Virtually every segment of life has been hit by distrust. Many of us need not think too far to remember people who have betrayed our trust. Trust is indeed an endangered species.
Distrust, today, is unfortunately more prevalent than trust and this is making society a tough place to live in. As human beings we cannot be our best where there is no trust. Trust is the oil that makes the machine of life to run smoothly.
Trust is fundamental to life.
“Trust is like blood pressure. It’s silent, vital to good health, and if abused it can be deadly.” Frank Sonnenberg,
Life becomes a serious grind without trust. Life without trust will be full of fears, failures and frustration.
“Whether a friendship, family relationship, or business or personal partnership, any bond is built on trust. Without trust, you have nothing. With it, you can do great things. Think about it.” Lowly Daskal
Without trust a group is bound to disintegrate sooner or later. A
For any group to achieve her purpose there must be an atmosphere where trust is in abundant supply – trust must flow unhindered from the leader to the followers and vice versa.
“When people honor each other, there is a trust established that leads to synergy, interdependence, and deep respect. Both parties make decisions and choices based on what is right, what is best, what is valued most highly.” Blaine Lee
There are some tell-tale story of lack of trust or the existence of low trust within a group whether it be a family, company, church or nation. When the followers are reluctant to carry out the instructions/directives of the leader then there is a problem with trust. When you trust somebody there will be no hesitation or hindrance in carrying out the person’s wishes or desires. When followers just do the barest minimum that needs to be done they are simply saying they do not trust the leadership. Trust never holds back. Trust always goes the extra mile.
Where there is no trust or the trust within a group is low cooperation will be a tough task. Lack of trust will breed internal wrangling within the group and competitive jealousy which will greatly hinder the effectiveness of the group. Where there is trust there will be no gossip, backbiting or slander. Rebellion is a sign of lack of trust.
To be continued
Distrust is a cancer that must be dealt with as soon as the symptoms show up. TO BE CONTINUED