THE month of Shaaban (the eight month of the lunar year) on the second year of the Hijirah (the Prophet’s migration from Mecca to Al-Madinah with other faithful Muslims) was the recorded period when Allah (SWT) mandated fasting for the Muslims in the month of Ramadan as one of the pillars of Islam. The Prophet (SAW) had observed the Sunnah of three-days-a-month fasting as it was the tradition of the earlier prophets of Allah (SWT). This tradition of the earlier prophets is pointed out in the Qur’an with the popular directives of Allah (SWT) in Al-Baqarah, Qur’an 2:183. Zakat (the obligatory charity which is offered to the poor among the Ummah by the rich) was also commanded by Allah (SWT) in the same year, as one of the pillars of Islam.
Meanwhile, the great battle of Badr was gathering momentum just as the Prophet (SAW), together with his followers, had decided to block the infidels of Quraish in Mecca who plied their trade in Sham en route Al-Madinah. In the other camp, the infidels of Quraish in Mecca were hell-bent on getting rid of the Prophet (SAW) in order to put a stop to the spread of Islam, particularly in places outside Mecca, inluding Al-Madinah. They pulled all proceeds and other resources towards sabotaging Islam and the faithful followers of the Prophet (SAW).
In order to counteract the infidels of Quraish, the Muslim Ummah in Al-Madinah led by the Prophet (SAW) in their wisdom chose to confiscate their merchandise. These acts wreaked a lot of havoc against the infidels. The battle of Badr broke out in order to bring to an end the incessant physical and mental torment to which the infidels of Mecca put the followers of the Prophet (SAW) within and outside Mecca. When it was confirmed that the Quraish infidels had concluded with their trading in Sham and were about setting out on their homeward journey en route Al-Madinah, the Prophet (SAW) took it upon himself to call upon all men around him to join him to launch an ambush against the enemies of Islam. This day was the third day into Ramadan, and the first ever Ramadan fasting as demanded of the Prophet (SAW) by Allah (SWT). The Prophet (SAW) chose to lead the campaign, and the battle came to be a Ghazwah (a holy battle in the cause of Allah consisting of a large army unit with the Prophet (SAW) himself leading the army). He asked Abdul-Lahi ibn Maktumi to keep guard at home.
A total of 613 Muslim men marched to the battle field with Mash’ab ibn Umaer Al-Abdariyy holding the white flag at the forefront for the Muslims. On being briefed on the development, Abu Sufyan, who was the head of the trade delegates to Sham, sent emissaries to the Quraish in Mecca. The message confirmed the fact that the Prophet (SAW) was going to physically prosecute the battle. They were sure that all merchandise belonging to them would be confiscated. For this reason, all men, old and young, volunteered to fight in the great battle of Badr. They resolved to recover all merchandise that were impounded by the Muslims in Al-Madinah. It was only Abu Lahabi ibn Hisham who requested As ibn Hisham ibn Mugirah to fight the battle on his behalf. A particular Quraish, Umayyah ibn Khalaf, insisted he would not follow them on the journey for the great battle of Badr. He disposed that he had long been told in a conversation which the Prophet (SAW) had with Saad ibn Muadh that he would be killed, although the ‘where’ and ‘how’ were not mentioned in the conversation. Umayyah was so scared by this revelation that he swore not to get close to any battle with the Prophet (SAW). However, Abu Jahli spoke to him convincingly and Umayyah too went with the other Quraish infidels to the battle. As destined, Umayyah did not survive the great battle of Badr.
The strength of the army of the infidels of Quraish from Mecca was overwhelming. The army had 950 men, 700 camels and 100 horses. But the Prophet (SAW) did not have any idea what was to come onto him from end of the enemies. It was after a long wait expecting the merchants of Quraish from Sham with their goods and wares that the Prophet (SAW) had to dispatch a team of spies. It was then that the Prophet (SAW) realised he had to strategise further and engage his followers in far deeper consultation. During the talks, the Prophet (SAW) revealed to his followers that Allah (SWT) had been gracious towards the cause of the faithful Muslims on the great battle of Badr. Some of the followers questioned the Prophet (SAW) as to why he choose not to prepare their minds for the great battle ahead of time. They argued that they would have been battle-ready before they came down to Badr in the first instance. They claimed that all they prepared for was to embark on confiscating the merchandise of the Quraish infidels, not to engage in a battle for that matter. However, one of the faithful followers, Miqdad ibn Aswad, reassured the Prophet (SAW) on behalf of other faithful followers on their resolution not to give in.
He went on to say, “O Messenger of Allah! Go ahead of us, lead us, for we follow steadfastly behind you. We shall never fall into the unfaithfulness in which the Israelites fell against their prophet, Musa with their utterance: when they said: O Musa (Moses)! We shall never enter it as long as they are there. So, go you and your Lord and fight you two, we are sitting right here.” Qur’an 5:24.
Miqdad ibn Aswad went on to vow, “O Messenger of Allah! You with Allah should lead us into the battle, we come behind you with our great faith intact in the cause of the battle, even if you, Allah’s messenger should ask us to march on against the city of Mecca for Allah, we shall do just that.” The Prophet (SAW) was so emotional. He prayed spiritedly for Miqdad ibn Aswad.
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