Depression is a common mental health condition that can cause both physical and psychological symptoms which occurs as a result of changes in brain activity, hormone or neurotransmitter levels. It is a mood disorder that affects how someone thinks, feels and behaves.
It may cause them to feel sad, worthless, or numb for prolonged periods. Typically, people experience a loss of interest or pleasure in the things they usually enjoy and possible physical symptoms include fatigue, sleeping more or less than usual, and appetite changes.
While depression is known by many as an emotional condition, it is associated with a range of physical symptoms; tiredness or fatigue, sleeping more or less than usual, increase or decrease in appetite, slow speech or movements, unexplained pain or headaches, loss of interest in sex, known as a low libido and constipation or diarrhea.
Tiredness or feelings of apathy may also affect a person’s behavior. The person may spend less time than usual on self-care, potentially resulting in changes to their appearance. For instance, they may lose or gain weight or not shower or bathe as often as they previously did.
Other physical symptoms include exhaustion, chest pains, aching muscles and joints, digestive problems, headache, back pain, agitation and restlessness and s3xual problems.
The treatment for depression usually involves a combination of talk therapy and medications. Medications, such as antidepressants, can reduce the symptoms of depression. Talk therapy aims to address the underlying causes and help someone manage their thoughts and feelings.
The physical symptoms of depression can be challenging. They may cause someone to feel overwhelmed by day-to-day tasks, especially if they are experiencing fatigue, loss of motivation, or pain. Strategies that may help a person cope include:
Setting priorities and focus only on the essential tasks.
Breaking tasks down to make large jobs feel more manageable
Reducing cleaning with few simple changes such as placing a doormat at the front door or taking shoes off before walking inside the home can reduce how much cleaning is necessary.
Enlisting help: Social support is an important part of recovering from depression, both emotionally and physically. A person may be able to reach out to understanding friends, family, or neighbors for extra help.
What causes the physical symptoms of depression?
A 2019 study on the relationship between major depressive disorder (MDD) and eating behaviors found that disordered eating was more common among those with MDD than those without the condition. In females, the researchers also observed high levels of the hormone leptin, which reduces a person’s appetite. It was said that changes in appetite-regulating hormones may explain why depression can cause changes in appetite.
Also, changes in neurotransmitters and brain function may contribute to disturbances in rapid eye movement (REM) and sleep in people with depression.
A 2018 review notes that a lack of energy and fatigue may be related to certain neurotransmitter systems not functioning as they should. The affected neurotransmitters might include norepinephrine or dopamine, but more research is necessary to understand the mechanisms behind this dysfunction and the end result is fatigue.
It is normal to experience sadness or grief in response to difficult situations. Sometimes, these emotional states can also cause physical symptoms, such as feeling tired. However, sadness and grief are different than depression. Typically, grief does not affect a person’s self-esteem. It may cause emotions that come in waves and involve a mix of positive and negative feelings.
In contrast, depression often causes feelings of insignificance or self-hatred. The emotional changes tend to be consistent, affecting someone most of the time.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or major depression with seasonal pattern is a condition that causes depressive symptoms during fall and winter. People with SAD often feel tired, sleep more, and experience appetite changes. Usually, a person with this condition feels they want to eat more food, particularly carbohydrates.
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