In today’s world, zero work experience doesn’t necessarily mean you cannot secure a job during an interview.
There are various qualities that employers look out for in their prospective employees that go beyond their academic qualifications and work experience. Your zero work experience doesn’t make you disadvantaged, rather it places greater demands on you to be more strategic and to meet up in other specific areas that your employer will be looking out for during the interview.
In this article, there are tips to be considered to secure a job with zero work experience during an interview session.
1. Arrive early
First on the list is that you need to show up early to any interview you are invited to. This quality shows that you have respect for institutions and hold the organisation in high esteem.
Don’t allow your zero work experience to be the reason for you to cower or lose your confidence which can lead to you arriving late to the interview venue.
2. Be honest
According to Jeremiah Say, “Honesty is the key to unlock trust and genuine connection. It lays the foundation for meaningful relationships and personal growth.”
It is important that you come out plain to your interviewers on your zero experience with regards to the job role as this would help you build a meaningful and truthful relationship with your employer should in case you get employed.
However, this is the same avenue you should use to sell the key skills you have acquired that can be very helpful in carrying out the role if given the job opportunity. This can be in the form of your volunteering or internship experiences.
READ ALSO: Interview: 7 top things hiring managers look out for in job seekers
3. Ask questions
According to an experience shared by Ms Mamokolo Sethosa, a private secretary at the Department of Home Affairs, Johannesburg, South Africa, the ability of an interviewee to ask questions during an interview session regardless of having zero work experience shows her that the individual is open to learning and she believes that such individual if given a chance eventually performs better on the job as they see the job opportunity as a privilege rather than individuals who have the required work experience.
This opinion is not just limited to her but to other well-meaning employers.
4. Maintain eye contact
Your body language during any interview should be great and appealing regardless of the work experience you have or not.
Your zero work experience shouldn’t affect your confidence and mannerisms in any interview, instead, you should ensure that you maintain eye contact with your interviewer(s) from time to time through the period your interview lasts.
5. Be smartly dressed
In all you do in life, always remember that “first impressions are important and your personality is not the first thing people see.”
As you attend your next interview, ensure you are smart and neatly dressed.
The way you are dressed gives a first impression about you to your interviewers and also boosts your confidence during the interview process.
6. Smile genuinely
“A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.”
I know a lot goes into getting a job these days, but despite this, do not lose your beautiful smile as there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.