The second half of the year has began with a lot of expectations from different individuals. To some , it’s a time to put in more efforts to achieve more goals than the first half of the year while to others, it’s a time to get their acts together as the first half of the year wasn’t really productive as they hope it will be.
Check out why setting goals is important
It’s pertinent to know that not doing well in the first half of the year doesn’t automatically means the second half will turn out the same way and if care is not taken, achieving a lot of goals during the first half of the year doesn’t mean the same will happen in this second phase of the year.
Discussed in this article are ways of setting achievable goals for the second half of the year in order to make the year a productive and fulfilling one.
1. Set goals that are SMART
Everyone desires to achieve some set of goals yearly but oftentimes some individuals fail in bringing their plans to fruition. This brings down the morale of many and a reduction in self esteem as some individuals begin to blame themselves or others for this failure. In most cases, the problem is not with you but with the goals you have set. You should ask yourself, are my set goals for this second phase of the year SMART, that is;
- Are my goals Specific?
- Are my goals Measurable?
- Are my goals Achievable/Attainable?
- Are my goals Relevant/Realistic?
- Are my goals Time-bound?
Your goals should be specific, in the sense that, you don’t have to set 20 goals for a year. If it just one or two goals that you can put in your efforts in the year to achieve, then, this is fine.
These set goals of yours should be measurable and achievable. There should be a means of measuring how far you’ve gone in achieving your set goals per time. And these goals must be achievable or attainable. Don’t just set goals for the sake of setting goals or because others are doing so, but you should set goals that you know can be achieved.
Ensure that your goals are realistic or relevant. Do not set a goal to be achieved in a year that you know beyond doubt that it can only be achieved within five years. For instance, you shouldn’t set a goal to achieve a PhD within a year when you don’t even have a Masters degree yet. Doing this obviously shows that you’re unserious and only wasting your time setting such unachievable goal.
Finally, your goals should be time bound, that is, there must be a time limit or deadline in which your goals must be achieved. Your time limit is dependent on the peculiarity of your set goals and ability.
You can also read up Why you should set smart goals
2. Write out your goals and the necessary steps needed to achieve them
According to the popular saying, “the dullest pencil is better than the sharpest memory”. Whatever goals you intend on achieving in the second half of the year should be written down in order for you not to forget them. You will not really go far in achieving your desired goals this second phase of the year if you only have them in your mind and not in a documented form.
Also, the necessary steps needed in achieving these goals should be clearly stated and followed to the latter if you are intentional about making this second half of the year a productive one.
3. Have an accountability partner(s)
At times, some goals people set are not achieved because they are not held accountable for them. Having an accountability partner during this second phase of the year will help you in a long way in achieving your goals as these individuals are able to see what you can’t see pertaining your goals and ways of achieving them.
Also, bear in mind that there are individuals who are interested in seeing you achieve your goals and are willing to help only if you make yourself accountable to them.
4. Join community of people working towards these goal
No one is an island of knowledge and a single tree doesn’t make a forest. You are not the only individual looking forward to achieving your set goals. There are quite a number of people who have similar goals as yours. In order to set and achieve your goals in the second half of this year, join a community of people working towards same goals. You can get these individuals either in your environment, workplace or social media platforms. These individuals can also serve as your accountability partners.
5. Connect with people that have achieved your desired goals
Your present goal is another man’s achievement. In bringing your desired goals to a reality, connect or network with people who have these results already. This is in a bid for you to learn from the experiences of others in order to avoid certain mistakes and to know better ways of achieving your goals.
6. Be committed to achieving your goals
If you want to achieve your goals in this second phase of the year, you need to be committed. Your commitment level to your goals is not shown through your words but through your actions, as actions speak louder than words.
Always, remember that big goals require big commitment. If you set a goal and you don’t put in the required energy and commitment, it won’t be wrong to say that those goals are dead on arrival.
The second half of the year is still fresh and there is a lot more you can achieve only when you’re intentional and determined to do so. Following these steps will not only help you set and achieve your goals during the second half of the year but it will also make you a trailblazer for others to follow.