It is universally known already that Great Britain has since voted to be no more part of the European Union. And the biggest “casualty” of that electoral exercise that has entered history and record books as Brexit is none other than the great personage David Cameron, former prime minister and erstwhile foremost representative of British democracy. When he failed in his democratic endeavour and enthusiasm to keep his progressively moving people and island in the European Union, he did what his honour compelled him to do: he gave up his first minister-ship with admirable pride. How many of our top men, our so-called first among equals, would do what former Prime Minister David Cameron of the tiny but very mighty island of Britain did?
Of course our great politicians, as we know, suffer from an unusual superiority complex that blinds them – they, in other words, lose their sight of honour to a superiority complex that turns them into sub-humans. Indeed, their arrogance turns them into a clan of sub-humanity that they are unaware of. Clearly, many of us see them as detestable blabbermouths that we cannot but always detest. But why am I on this subject?
It has recently been reported that David Cameron who became Conservative leader of his party in 2005 and prime minister of Britain in 2010 has resolved to relinquish his membership of parliament which he entered in 2004. In fact, he has stood down as a member of parliament of his constituency of Witney meaning that a by-election for his replacement is close by. He is no more enthusiastic to play a prominent role as an influential and a formidable backbench member of parliament.
Whoever will believe, among Britons and non-Britons, that David Cameron would go this far to underline his bitterness and disappointment at the disappointment the voters who voted to be out of the European Union gave him? The voters failed him. But David Cameron has fortified his honour by his actions so far. His reason for quitting parliament is worth quoting – in his own words:
“As a former prime minister it is very difficult, I think, to sit as a backbencher and not be an enormous diversion and distraction from what the government is doing.
“I don’t want to be that distraction. I want Witney to have an MP that can play a full role in parliamentary and political life in a way that I think I would find very difficult, if not impossible.”
This quotation marks and underlines Mr David Cameron as a political and democratic leader who knows and values the true meaning of leadership that is devoid of little or enormous tyrannical propensities. He is very conscious of his status as a true, genuine and enormous democrat of value. He does not want to descend to the level and status of a political animal of a sub-human value. He does not want to yield to any political temptation or psychological consciousness that will torture his honour. He wishes to rise above the arrogance and pettiness of the political godfather who, as we witness every now and then in our clime, endeavours to liquidate the modus operandi of his god-sons and god-daughters.
Mr David Cameron is miles and miles and miles apart from our political people and so-called leaders who do not allow their political minions and god-children to assert their independence, influence, authority and power. We are too familiar with our brand of political leaders who under-nourish, over-impoverish and over-exploit mercilessly their god-sons and the people they govern as if they were sub-humans.
I must quote David Cameron again:
“….the circumstances of my resignation as Prime Minister and the realities of modern politics make it very difficult to continue on the backbenches without the risk of becoming a diversion to the important decisions that lie ahead for my successor in Downing Street and the Government.”
Some persons and political critics, including his detractors, may interpret the action and posture of the former British first minister as that of a sufferer of political despair. I would counter this submission by submitting that Mr. Cameron’s is good, positive despair. It is the despair of a man of value. It is the despair of a leader with true human qualities: courage, will power, intelligence, loyalty to his honour and to the honour of his people who voted him into parliament and power which he has now democratically relinquished. His is not the politics and democracy of sit-tightism and godfather-ism.
The example of Mr. David Cameron is worthy of emulation by leaders of all shades and hues in our clime. Who does not share my opinion? Maybe it is only several of our “great” politicians (and acolytes) who have an inflated and over-inflated opinion of who they are – a balloon opinion of their sub-humanity.