Dear Makeover,
I have a phobia for curly weavons. How do I even put it? It’s not like I don’t like them – I really love when I see it on other people. However, fear of how to make the style last has made me abandon curly weaves or wigs for years. However, now, I think I’m ready to embrace curls again. What advice would you give for making them last?
Worried lady
We’ve all been there: making the decision to go curly or not. In the long run, many people just abandon them or stick strictly to the wig equivalent, using them as rarely as possible. However, this shouldn’t be the case. Curly styles give you an excuse to look beautifully different from the usual straight or braided alternatives, and should not be avoided. There are ways to ensure you get the best from your curly weaves or wigs:
Invest in quality…always
With the avalanche of cheaper alternatives available, and in varying lengths at that, there is the usual temptation to stray into the ‘affordable’ market. However, this usually turns out a bad decision, especially if you expect to use the weave longer than a few days. It is almost always expected that you will be saddled with tangling, whether you leave it brushed or otherwise, sometimes, even if the curls are big. Sometimes, popularity doesn’t count much for quality. Always patronise sellers that are vouched for to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth.
Embrace a detangling brush
This is one item every curly weave enthusiast should have. Not every brush or comb works for curls and the wrong option may even contribute to making a mess of your weave. Besides, when untangling, you need to take things slow. Share the weave into sections, and slowly, beginning at the ends, get to the roots. You can use your hands to first untangle, before using the appropriate comb or brush.
Keep moisturised
Unlike braids and some straight weaves where you can go a day between keeping it moisturised, the curly weavon doesn’t respond well to lack of moisture. When choosing products to provide moisture, ensure you have one with the right ingredients. For instance, alcohol-based moisturisers may contribute to drying out the hair.
Take care with styling
Unlike straight hair or braids, where you can manipulate the hair when it comes to styling, you don’t have those ready alternatives, when it comes to curly weaves, because of their nature to tangle. This is another reason to invest in the quality version. So, when you want to go less bouncy, be gentle with your curls. Same must be applied when untangling the style to avoid making things worse.
Dry naturally
The rainy season is here, so there is the tendency to get wet unexpectedly. Wet hair will attract tangling, which will also smell. So, endeavour to avoid the rain if possible, and if not, wash out the weave. After washing, it is better to let the weave dry on its own, outside the hot breeze of a blow dryer.
Always use the right products
When shampooing or conditioning curly weaves, do not assume, especially, if you don’t have the professional qualifications of a hair expert. Better save yourself the headache of ruining a perfect weave by making calculated, yet dangerous risks.
Watch your hair, even when you sleep
For curly weaves, you don’t have the liberty of just falling asleep without making sure your hair is well protected. Endeavour to wrap your hair with a scarf before sleeping. This will reduce the effects of tangling.