I recently noticed some changes in my breast. Although there is no noticeable lump, I noticed that my right breast is slightly bigger than my left breast. In addition, there is some skin changes as well as a little dimpling in the breast. Kindly advise me on what this might mean.
Iyabo (by SMS)
Although a breast lump or mass is one possible sign of breast cancer, other changes to the skin on and around the breast, such as dimpling, swelling, and nipple discharge, can also be a symptom of breast cancer.
In some cases, even if breast cancer does not cause any symptoms, a cancerous mass may still be found on a female’s routine mammogram. Screening for breast cancer, as recommended by a doctor, can help detect this condition in its earliest and most treatable stage.All of these symptoms can also have a noncancerous underlying cause. However, people with these symptoms should speak with a doctor in case tests are necessary to check for both noncancerous and cancerous conditions.
Breast cancer can cause changes and inflammation in skin cells that can lead to texture changes. Examples of these texture changes include scaly skin around the nipple and areola, as though the skin is sunburned or extremely dry, and skin thickening in any part of the breast. These changes may also cause itching, which people often associate with breast cancer, although it is not common.
Skin thickening and texture changes may be consistent with inflammatory breast cancer. Texture changes can also occur as a result of benign skin conditions, including dermatitis and eczema. A person may observe discharge from the nipple, which can be thin or thick and range in color from clear to milky to yellow, green, or bloody. The discharge typically comes from one nipple. However, it can come from both nipples if both breasts are cancerous. It is normal for people who are breastfeeding to have a milky discharge from the nipples, but it is advisable to contact a doctor about any other nipple discharge.