As you take a walk into your 20s, it dawns on you that your responsibilities are heightened and the quest to level up financially grows stronger, more than ever before.
You are tired of where you are right now and you want so much more for yourself in your career, emotionally, socially, spiritually, and for the sake of context, financially.
There are several factors that could stand in your way and would hinder you from thriving financially. Excessive spending, no saving or investment habit, fake luxurious lifestyle, impulsive buying, and many more factors.
Here are a few tips on how to level up financially in your 20s
People in their 20s often complain about being broke and how confused they are about building wealth that will last. The following are ways you can level up financially.
1. Add value to yourself
This in itself seems to be a cliché watchword already, but that does not in any way reduce the truth about it. To level up financially in your 20s, you shouldn’t stop adding value to yourself. Get better at that skill that you are learning already and get to learn about other essential skills that are relevant to your career and your pursuit in the financial space generally.
It’s true that it takes time and you may be tempted to jump the gun in order to make money, but it’s worth every time that’s invested in it.
Also, it is important for you to be teachable that is, give yourself to learning and being taught. It’s also important for you to put into practice what you are being taught per time in order to get better at it.
Read books, take courses, attend pieces of training, listen to podcasts, and learn something somehow. Learn from people who have gone ahead of you. Learn from people who are on the same level as you.
Above all, while adding value have a coach or mentor who would guide you through and keep you from making unnecessary mistakes. Join a community. Attend events. Network. Pay for pieces of training. Don’t limit yourself by lying about idly while waiting for a free class to come.
2. Give value, sell solutions
People will always give money for value and, more importantly, for solutions. People want value, people need solutions, and they will pay a fortune to get it. Figure out a problem that exists and provide a service or create a product that solves the problem.
However, this might be impossible if you have not added value to yourself. Add value, know your onions, and give value to those that need solutions; of course, at a cost.
3. Do what is needed
There’s a popular saying that you should do what you love and follow your passion with all your might. A wise man once said that in the pursuit of wealth and financial stability, passion isn’t all that you need in the long-run. If your desire to level up financially in your 20s, and accumulate wealth that will last and yield in the long-run then you must be willing to NOT stick only to what you love.
What if what you love isn’t what your customer or audience needs, then you’ll be running at a loss.
For instance, you are into food business, and you are based in an area where people don’t consume much pepper, but you decide to cook your meals much with pepper because you are Yoruba. You’ll eat all your food alone, you’ll run at loss and become broke, and most importantly, you’ll not be offering value to your target audience.
If you do what you love then your “solutions” will not appeal to others it will be centred only around you. Your vision should serve others and not just you.
4. People
You need people. To level up financially in your 20s, you need to network, sell to people, work with people, leverage on building your social network. Opportunities could come from any of them.
5. Invest and save
Whether you work as an entrepreneur or you work under someone, it is imperative and wise that you do not consume all your earnings. Set some aside for saving and investment.
These will help you with building money for the future and different reasons. The investment will help you with a secured future while saving will help you with meeting unforeseen needs that could arise either in the short run or long-run.
6. Put your time to good use
Be productive with your time and don’t give yourself to frivolities. It’s safe to say that you should plan your time smartly so that you don’t whirl away time.
In summary, to level up financially in your 20s, show up for what matters. Give it your time, give it your attention.