Renowned drama minister and founder of Mount Zion Faith Ministries, Mike Bamiloye, has recounted how God called him to abandon secular literary writing and dedicate his talent solely to gospel ministry.
In a post on his Facebook account on Saturday, Bamiloye shared a story dating back to 1982, a pivotal moment in his life when he grappled with aligning his passion for writing with God’s purpose.
Recounting the experience, the minister said it began during a church convention when he was deeply moved by a worship minister’s electrifying performance.
According to him, the experience led him to pray fervently, asking God to use him in the same way He had used the minister he encountered at the convention.
Bamiloye revealed that after this prayer, he received a divine instruction to surrender his gift to God to be used for His glory.
At the time, he stated that he was an accomplished writer of secular drama scripts and novels, which he described as moral but devoid of spiritual value. Despite being told to stop writing secular pieces as a condition for God’s use, he found it difficult to comply and returned to secular writing, likening the struggle to an addiction.
He disclosed that in an effort to reconcile his passion with faith, he tried adapting biblical stories into secular themes, but God’s disapproval remained evident. In a dream, he received a stern warning to withdraw his scripts from publishers, as they could jeopardise his ministry’s future.
Bamiloye noted that God showed him the urgency of the matter, prompting him to act swiftly and retrieve the scripts despite persuasion from a publisher who deemed them harmless.
This surrender, he said, marked the beginning of his journey as a gospel drama minister.
He, however, urged others to use their God-given talents for His glory, emphasising that gifts are meant for Kingdom purposes, not personal or worldly gratification.
The post reads partly, “I WAS AN ADDICT….Several years ago, precisely 1982, at age 22, before I entered the ministry, during our church convention, I was standing outside the large church building on that Sunday morning, when a very famous music minister was called upon to come out and minister to us in song. She walked out to the front, grabbed the microphone and began to sing.
“Shortly, the whole place became electrified with the presence of God. I and a lot of others were standing outside the large hall building because there was no longer space inside to sit. The anointing that morning was so heavy upon the congregation as the voice of that woman rent the hallowed chamber of the large hall.
“As I listened to the songs she sang, I could not control myself anymore when I began to sob in tears and pray: “LORD, you are using a woman, use me too. I want to serve You. Use me too…”
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This was all I was praying in tears, when I suddenly began to hear His voice coming up from me.
“I heard Him plainly speaking to me: “I will use you, if you surrender your gift at my feet.”
“That was the contention, my Gift. The Talents. I was a gifted writer. I wrote drama script and novels. But the things I wrote at that time were non-christian literary pieces. Purely secular.
“When the Lord was talking to me that morning, my heart went directly to the drama scripts I had just written which were not christian stories, but mere moral, theatrical secular themes. I heard Him that morning, telling me to stop using my writing gift to write whatever I liked.
“I heard Him speaking to me softly, persuasively, that He would use me beyond my wildest dream, if I could make a covenant with Him to use my writing Gifts for His glory alone. I heard Him telling me to go and pack all those uninspiring non-spiritual drama and novel scripts aside and abandon them and determine now to start writing for Him.”