After 29 years of marriage, I can conveniently reveal that money is a game changer in marriage. How it plays out in marriage is determined by how each couple handles it. If a marriage is succeeding, the couple must have mastered the money factor in the relationship.
That money is important in life is an understatement. Everyone needs money. Without it, the exchange of goods and services cannot be possible. No wonder some go to any extent to make money, even at the risk of perpetrating crimes.
Therefore, money is also important for couples to have a great marriage. Without money, a marriage will suffer terrible consequences. That is why many people marry for money. Yes, you read me correctly. I have heard ladies say that marrying someone is like marrying suffering willfully. It’s that serious when money comes into consideration.
Now, let us strike the following cords about marriage and money.
Money is essential for a great marriage.
Just like in every affair of life, money is essential for a successful marriage. Or is what is capable of destroying a thing not important? Obviously, it is. That is the way it is with marriage as well. When lack becomes a lifestyle in a marriage, I can guarantee that the marriage will be in danger. Either separation or infidelity, one will be the lot of such a marriage. That is why every couple needs to pay serious attention to the financial health of their marriage.
Couples must be intentional to have access to money.
Like in other areas of life, every couple must not leave the issue of adequate financial provision to chance. Husbands and wives must be intentional about providing for their needs and those of the family. The husband, especially, should never take it for granted that his wife is meeting his needs and fold his hands if he wants to lead successfully. They must be deliberate to make enough money to cater for the family. They must discuss money, work together to achieve it, and plan the spending together.
Without being intentional about providing for the family, the marriage is endangered and will suffer its consequences. Such a couple will never have a great marriage.
Money secures the leadership of marriage.
It is a popular saying that he who pays the piper dictates the tune. A husband’s leadership role in the marriage is secured with his financial capacity. When money dwindles and the wife bears the responsibility of provision, the husband becomes threatened in his leadership role. At the same time, the wife becomes leadership-inclined, inadvertently. She flows into it with ease. This is the point where the wife must also learn to put her husband in power, despite her financial status. Otherwise, she will be termed proud and “bossy”.
Wives cannot cope without money.
When it is said that women love money, I know it is true, to a great extent. Lack of money drives a woman crazy. Her housekeeping assignment is made unnecessarily difficult with insufficiency of money. If you have not been there, you won’t understand.
We need to understand that most women love money, but not necessarily their husbands’ money. That is if the husband doesn’t have money, but she has, an average wife will still be able to hang on with her husband in the marriage, as long as he is wise. It is when money is lacking at both ends of the couple that the wife takes it on her husband. It is at this point that the husband must apply wisdom to handle the situation and keep the marriage secure. Do not, because of lack of money, become touchy in the house, making everyone around you walk on ‘eggshells’.
Husbands must be wise to handle their wives’ money needs.
Husbands are traditionally money providers. Biblically, too, it is said that a man must provide for his family. So, a husband must be wise in handling money issues with his wife. When in affluence, don’t brag and lord things over her. Never treat her as a slave or a loafer. Otherwise, you may endanger your life or marriage at the slightest opportunity.
When in lack or having insufficiency, learn how to make your wife bear with you. Never blame her for the insufficiency or lack. Rather, make her understand how much you appreciate her forbearance in the situation. At the same time, buckle up to redress the financial situation to avoid a situation of continual droppings wearing out, even a stone.
Money is a game changer in marriage.
When money is available, the love song is loudest, but when not sufficient, a love song is inaudibly faint. A great marriage can be destroyed with lack, while a weak marriage can be easily strengthened with money. I know several couples who have risen from the verge of breakup to become happy today. Money drives the vehicle of marriage.
So, every couple must learn the rudiments of having and handling money to enjoy a great marriage. Money is an important factor in marriage. It deserves to be paid the necessary attention.
- You can avail yourself of copies of my books ‘How To Help Your Wife Enjoy S3x’ and ‘Enjoying Great S3x Life’. Contact 08112658560 for details. SMS only.
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