The UK is calling for urgent global action in response to a UN report published on Monday that says the planet has warmed more than previously estimated.
The report published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a stark warning from scientists around the world that human activity is damaging the planet at an alarming rate.
The IPCC report warns that climate change is already affecting every region across the globe and that without urgent action to limit warming, heatwaves, heavy precipitation, droughts, and loss of Arctic Sea ice, snow cover and permafrost, will all increase while carbon sinks will become less effective at slowing the growth of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
The report highlights that cutting global emissions, starting immediately, to net zero by mid-century would give a good chance of limiting global warming to 1.5C in the long-term and help to avoid the worst effects of climate change.
In a statement, the UK Government said it warmly welcomes Nigeria’s submission of a more ambitious revised 2021 NDC (nationally determined contributions) that outlines increased emission reduction targets to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and encouraged the Nigerian Government to ensure implementation as a contribution to global climate action.
Recall that the Paris Agreement, an international treaty on climate change of 2015 signed by countries including Nigeria, requests Parties to communicate NDCs to set out the national plans, policies and measures they will implement at a national level in order to help achieve the temperature goal of limiting warming to 2C and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5C.
The UK said it is already showing leadership with clear plans to reduce its emissions by 68 per cent by 2030 and 78 per cent by 2035, leading to net zero by 2050.
The UK government stated that: “Today, more than 70 per cent of the world’s economy is now covered by a net zero target – up from 30 per cent when the UK took over as incoming COP Presidency.
“May saw the establishment of the first net zero G7, with all countries coming forward with 2030 emission reduction targets that put them on a pathway to reaching this goal by 2050.”
It added, however, that the IPCC report shows that more action is urgently needed.
Some progress has been made since the Paris Agreement was signed in 2015. More than 85 new or updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to 2030, representing over 110 parties, have been submitted to set out how countries will cut their emissions and address the climate crisis.
In a meeting with scientists, earlier this week, COP President Alok Sharma encouraged countries that have not already done so, to urgently submit new or updated NDCs with their plans for ambitious climate action ahead of the vital COP26 summit later this year in Glasgow, particularly all major economies of the G20 who are responsible for over 80% of global emissions.
In response to the report, Mr Sharma said: “The science is clear, the impacts of the climate crisis can be seen around the world and if we don’t act now, we will continue to see the worst effects impact lives, livelihoods and natural habitats.
“Our message to every country, government, business and part of society is simple. The next decade is decisive, follow the science and embrace your responsibility to keep the goal of 1.5C alive.
“We can do this together, by coming forward with ambitious 2030 emission reduction targets and long-term strategies with a pathway to net zero by the middle of the century, and taking action now to end coal power, accelerate the roll out of electric vehicles, tackle deforestation and reduce methane emissions.”
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