With the year coming to an end, many will be turning their minds to New Year resolutions and what they want to achieve in 2019.
But rather than opting for the traditional ‘get fit, lose weight’ option, you could turn your attention towards your love life and relationship – which, like other areas, need re-evaluating every so often.
Speaking to DAILY MAIL, s3x and relationship expert, Pamela Supple, revealed the five New Year’s resolutions you should be making for your s3x life – and why they could change your relationship.
Widen your dating mindset
Too many daters in 2018 rely on one single path for finding love.
What are the five New Year resolutions you should make for your s3x life?
- Widen your dating mindset to be broader than just apps if you’re single.
- Mute your electronic devices in the bedroom and when spending quality time with a partner.
- Make s3xual pleasure a priority and talk about what you want from your s3x life with your partner.
- Be more affectionate in your relationship. Little lingering kisses and spontaneous smiles across a crowded room go a long way.
- Exercise regularly, eat well and sleep often so that your s3x life improves. Make s3x a priority in your relationship.
But Pamela said if you’re single and want to change this, then you should “try all avenues of dating, as well as the apps”.
She recommends that you spread your ‘dating mindset’ to include things like social gatherings, groups and clubs.
“Get your face out of the phone when you’re standing in a queue, look up and notice life and people and actively try to get out and about,’ she told Daily Mail Australia.
“Having a broader range of finding dating opportunities other than apps will definitely help with widening the field.
“The art of being a great communicator lies within all of us.”
Mute your electronic devices
This one applies more to those who are in a relationship, but Pamela advocates that you turn off or mute your electronic devices when you’re both spending quality time together.
“There is nothing worse than when you are out for a meal, going for a walk, chatting with each other or just about to embark in s3x and your device beeps for an email or text,’ she said.
“It’s very distracting and not at all s3xually inviting when you go: ‘Oh sorry, I just have to get this’.”
Try leaving your phone in the living room when you go to bed, or putting it on silent when you are doing something with your partner.
When it comes to your s3xual relationships this year, Pamela said you should “communicate and prioritise more foreplay and pleasure”.
When it comes to your s3xual relationships this year, Pamela said you should ‘communicate and prioritise more foreplay and pleasure’.
Make s3xual pleasure a priority
Too often, Pamela said, women shy away from detailing exactly what they want in the bedroom. But when it comes to your s3xual relationships this year, Pamela said you should “communicate and prioritise more foreplay and pleasure”.
“Express your s3xual wants, needs and desires,” she explained. “A pleasure product is a really good way of adding a new level of enjoyment into your s3x life.”
Always remember, she added, that s3x is ‘to be enjoyed, not ensured”.
“A s3xual encounter should be like a delicious meal. You start with appetisers and champagne. As you progress, you pick and choose from the menu what you would like, taking your time and enjoying every minute.
“Let s3xual pleasure become a priority,” she added.
Be more affectionate
While we often think about our relationships in terms of s3x, hugging, kissing and general affection is just as important – if not more – than making love.
“Being more affectionate with each other really shows your partner that you are noticing them and still really like them,” Pamela explained.
“Some couples say that they wish their partner would be more affectionate. If you are one of those people who find this, communicate without blame and ask them if they could be more mindful.
“Simple things like lingering kisses, generous loving touches, long walks and spontaneous smiles can help feel more secure in your relationship.”
Exercise, eat and sleep well
You might not expect it, but your health and well-being is so important for a decent s3x life.
And Pamela said if you’re more mindful about your body and what it deserves, then your love life will automatically improve.
“We are all very busy and time poor these days, but it’s important to make time for s3x and affection.
“When we do, the result will be closeness, bonding, the release of feel good hormones and chemicals like adrenaline, oxytocin, dopamine and endorphins. These will boost libido and health and well-being too.”
Source: Daily Mail