Prodrome in simple terms is the warning sign of migraine and is sometimes called a pre-headache; this is when you notice early warning signs of a migraine. It is different for everyone and can start several hours or days before the headache fully hits.
While not everyone feels the same things during prodrome, some symptoms happen more often than others; there are some common signs. For some, they get irritable or depressed in the days or hours before a migraine. On the opposite end of the scale, some people feel a sense of intense happiness, or euphoria, in the hours beforehand.
You may feel unusually tired before a migraine. And too much or too little sleep could help bring one on. It is important to pay attention to how sleep connects to your symptoms.
Prodrome can sometimes affect your digestive system. You may feel sick to your stomach or have constipation or diarrhea.
Sensitivity to light or sound is a popular sign of a coming migraine and they often continue through the headache and post-headache stages. Bright light or loud noises can even trigger a second one as you are getting over the first.
As you get closer to a migraine, your vision may get blurry. You also might have blind spots or see flashing lights or shapes. These issues can slowly get worse, but they don’t usually last more than an hour.
Can pain relievers help? Whether prescription or over-the-counter medications, it is important to take these as soon as you notice the telltale signs. The earlier you do, the better the results. But taking too much or taking them too often can cause stomach ulcers and possibly withdrawal headaches when you stop.
You can also have a little caffeine as this sometimes stops some early stage migraine pain by itself. It also may help boost the effects of pain relievers like aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen. However, too much caffeine might lead to withdrawal headaches when you try to cut back.
Meditation helps too; take 10 minutes every day to breathe deeply and slowly as you relax each group of muscles in your body, one at a time. Afterward, sit quietly for a couple of minutes and clear your mind. That can help anytime, but it may be especially useful if you notice warning signs of a migraine.
You need to avoid food triggers because certain things like aged cheese, some fruits and nuts, alcohol, fermented or pickled items and additives like nitrates and MSG can lead to migraines in some people.
Keep light away; you can lie down in a dark room. It helps to calm and relax you as well as get you away from bright light, which can make your symptoms worse.
A cold compress on your neck or head can numb the area and dull pain signals. A heating pad might relax tense muscles; a warm bath or shower could do the same thing.
Factors that trigger migraine include not getting enough sleep; not only can a lack of sleep trigger a migraine, but a migraine can also interfere with your ability to sleep, creating a vicious cycle, uncontrolled stress, sedentary lifestyle, not eating regularly, too much alcohol, trying to cram too much into your day, not drinking enough water and taking care are serious triggers of migraine.
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