Health myths are false or misleading beliefs about health and wellness. And today, there are many myths about health and wellness which has caused hazards for many people. Many of these have been debunked.
Below are some myths that have been debunked by facts:
Drink 8 glasses of water daily: There is really no need to count cups. Research shows people who gulp a glass of water when they are thirsty get enough to stay healthy and hydrated. Water-rich foods like soup, fruit, and vegetables and drinks like juice, tea, and coffee all help you get your fill.
Eggs are bad for your heart: Eating an egg or two a day doesn’t raise the risk of heart disease in healthy people. Yes, the yolks have cholesterol, but for most people, the amount found in any one food isn’t as bad for you as the mix of fats from everything you eat.
Antiperspirant causes breast cancer: Some scientists think the chemicals found in antiperspirants and deodorants can be absorbed through your underarm and end up in breast tissue, making tumors more likely. But the National Cancer Institute says there’s no evidence connecting either product with breast cancer.
Eat breakfast to lose weight: Eating breakfast help some people lose weight; but this is not a given.
Green mucus means infection: The contents of your tissue can’t take the place of a lab test. Studies show that green or yellow mucus is slightly more common in certain bacterial infections. But it’s not a sure sign that you have one or that you need antibiotics. A sinus infection can cause clear mucus, and a common cold can turn it green.
Sugar makes kids hyper: While sugar isn’t good for kids, research shows the sweet stuff won’t cause them to act out, hurt their schoolwork or make them unable to focus.
A toilet seat can make you sick: Don’t stress if you can’t cover the seat. Toilet seats are usually pretty clean – it is bathroom doors, door handles and floors that tend to be covered with bugs; cover your hand with a paper towel before you touch doors or handles, and use hand sanitizer or wash afterward.
Cracking joints causes arthritis: You may think bones or joints rub together to cause the noise but that’s not so. It results from a gas bubble that forms between the bones and “pops.” If you enjoy doing it, keep on. Studies show it doesn’t cause or play a role in arthritis.
Being cold gives you a cold: Spending too much time in the cold air doesn’t make you sick. You are more likely to get sick indoors where germs are easily passed.
You need a daily multivitamin: It is said that a multivitamin can make up for nutrients that aren’t in your diet but the best way to get your nutrients is to eat a diet filled with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and healthy oils.