There are various signs that are pointers to the fact that you might be over thinking as a creative
You worry about the result of contents
You read meaning to everything
Being indecisive
You’re not able to settle for a decision for long. You don’t trust your decisions and would always feel the need to change them. It sometimes makes you appear as someone who is unstable and can’t take a bold moves without second-guessing them. But when you eventually make a decision it is almost impossible for anyone or anything to change your mind.
You worry about things you cannot control
Overthinking as a creative could mean sweating over things that are outside your control. You cannot control the thoughts of people around you or that of your audience. You develop panic attacks because it hurts to know that you cannot connect to their thoughts, and the only thing that is at your fingertips is assumption. It kills you to not know what’s going on in their head.
You plan rigorously, but end up being unproductive
Hurt by decisions that you ought to have taken, but did not
The brain has the ability to remember things that have happened in the past. For example, the times that you randomly remember that content idea that you didn’t take actions on immediately which someone else did and the result ended up being massive. So, you beat yourself up each time you remember. It could also be anything that you randomly remember that causes you pain each time you do.
You find it hard to control your thoughts
You question things thoroughly till you get answers
It’s in your habit as an over-thinker to question things thoroughly till you get answers that satisfy your curiosity. People might think you’re passive aggressive, but in actual sense you’re honestly asking the questions for you to get the full picture and not misunderstand people.
You don’t know how to easily let go of things
Another thing about you overthinking as a creative is that you find it difficult to let go of things or issues regardless of how little it may seem. It could be compliments from your audience or community it could be insults, or anything else.
When you fall in love, you go all out
Creatives also fall in love. But when they do they go all out. It also applies when you just like someone or admire their personality, you’d go above and beyond for them.
As are time freaks
Finally, what are the effects of overthinking as a creative?
Low level of productivity.
Poor sleep patterns.
Your concentration is altered.
Loss of weight because of loss of appetite.