Like watching a game
Whose outcome you already know
Say, like watching a game
Whose outcome you already know
Life sometimes undermines its own surprises
You enter its temple with a cautious bow
Fence truth in
With a battalion of lies
Say, fence truth in
With a battalion of lies
Over the rotting carcass of falsehood
Countless crows, uncountable flies
White lies
Black lies
Say, While lies
Black lies
But in the zone between
Grey harvests the pristine prize
Between their pragmatism and prostitution
The difference is as thin as a whistle
Yes, between their pragmatism and prostitution
The difference is as thin as a whistle
Prone, always prone, like a lizard
Deaf to the Voice Within and its relentless hassle
Learning without character
Is a blind and timeless bomb
Yes, learning without character
Is a blind and timeless bomb
A lethal toy in a madman’s hand
Will turn the world into a boundless tomb