In its effort to promote Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills among teachers, Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) in collaboration with Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) and Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC) has commenced the training of 225 teachers at the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja.
The training is the third local workshop with the theme: ‘Project for the Establishment of the Model Schools for Primary and Junior Secondary Education in Abuja.”
The four week programme will be conducted by seven professors on courses ranging from: Computer Education: Basic & Intermediate; Office Tools for Multimedia-based Education, Multimedia Content Development, Curriculum-based School Education, Music for Multimedia Education, Teaching Method and Contents Development and Art & Visual Literacy for Multimedia Education.
Already, 186 FCT teachers have been trained in Nigeria in the first and second local workshop while 20 government officials, eight school administrators and 30 school teachers visited Korea for short and relatively long-term period trainings.