Health and wellness are important ingredients to living a fulfilling life. Often, people often use the terms health and wellness interchangeably and do not know that the terms have different meanings; the primary difference between health and wellness is that health is the goal and wellness is the active process of achieving it.
In simple terms, wellness determines our state of health. Health refers to a state where the physical body is free from disease while wellness refers to an overall balance of a person’s physical, social, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, environmental and occupational well-being.
To achieve wellness, idividuals must work to maintain balance in their life by constantly making choices that will advance their health and wellbeing because wellness has a direct influence on the overall health.
The importance of wellness cannot be overemphasised in human life; wellness in the workplace improves employee health and improves the organisation’s bottom line. Creating a worksite culture of health and wellness boosts and maintains employee morale, improves the lives of employees and helps drive an organisation’s overall success.
Maintaining physical wellness is also important for the well-being of grown adults especially those that live independently and may easily not get care when they are down. Being able to cope and be strong is important.
Wellness helps to maintain mental health issues like anxiety disorders, psychological disorders, emotional breakdowns, depression, panic attacks and dementia especially in elderly people.
It is important to improve on individual wellness because it has a lot of benefits; longer and healthier life, active social interaction, increased quality of life, aids mental and emotional health, allows individuals to be an active part of the workforce and aids financial independence.
It is important to lead an healthy lifestyle because this is the only true path to wellness and when wellness is achieved, it is easy to be healthy.
But healthy habits are hard to develop and maintain, they require a positive mindset and strong willpower to follow target goal towards a healthy lifestyle like eating healthy, exercising and avoiding junk.
Living healthy extends life while rejuvenating the skin and hair. It helps to manage common health issues like low immunity, overweight, mood swings, low stamina and continuous feeling of being indisposed, anger and irritation.
Living healthy involves regular exercises and healthy eating for weight management, to boost immunity system and increase energy level. It helps to overcome stress and improve your mood.
Experts recommend 150 minutes exercise weekly.
Following a healthy lifestyle helps to prevent certain diseases such as heart diseases, blood pressure, depression, body pain and boosts energy by driving out lethargy.
Although it’s hard to adopt such habits in daily lifestyle yet a strong willpower can help. We all need to have a health and wellness plan to change our daily lives.