Joy Ijeoma was in the news recently after attempting a Guinness Book of World Records for the longest massage of 72 hours. She, however, collapsed due to fatigue after 50 hours of continuous massaging. In this interview with ROTIMI IGE, she spoke about her attempt and future plans. Excerpts
Outside your role as a massage therapist, can you tell us about your background?
I had my early education in Lagos and attended Adonai University in the Republic of Benin. I studied International Relations.
Why did you choose to be a massage therapist, and did you get any training before this?
Speaking on my choice to become a massage therapist, I just like it when people feel good. I did get training before I started the business.
When exactly did you start your massaging business, and was it for this purpose?
No. I started my when I was in the university. That was in 2018. But in terms of setting a record, I just wanted to do something different, not necessarily GWR. I also have other businesses that I do, I run Hair By GoldenTouch.
When did you decide that you wanted to compete for a Guinness World Record as a massage artiste?
I have been planning to do this since last year October 2022 with my team.
What got you interested in the Guinness World Record to start with?
The truth is that I always wanted to set a record since I was a teenager, I always wanted to do something special.
The person who currently holds the record for the longest full-body massage is Alastair Galpin in South Kalimantan, Indonesia, and his record is 25 hours and four minutes. You planned to set a record for 72 hours but only made it to 50 hours. Why did you set that high a record for yourself?
When you are doing something you try to do your best. I felt I could do that. When you try to set a record, you will consider something that won’t be so easy for other people to break it. I had plans to go more than 72 hours.
As a massage therapist, one would think you would know exactly the limits of your body based on experience. How did you feel at the time you went out of commission after 50 hours?
My body was exhausted, but my mind was okay.
Did you not plan for the exhaustion or did you not get rest or short breaks in between the time?
Just as I said, I had been planning this for the past eight months with my team. Before I started, I also registered for training two months ago. I have been training hard and working out.
In your opinion, what do you think contributed to your exhaustion two days into the record attempt?
I really can’t say, it just happened. I got my rest time normally, but you can never tell what would happen eventually.
Can you walk me through your rest time?
I get five minutes of rest every hour. I accumulated everything though. At the end of the day, I rested for one hour and then another 20 minutes later. I can’t remember the exact time, but I took a one-hour rest, and then another 20 minutes later.
Since you came out of the record attempt, have you been on social media?
No, not yet. I have been resting. I do feel better now, I am resting at home and medical personnel have been around. They were also on ground during the 50 hours of the record attempt.
Some people on social media believe that you collapsed after 50 hours to trend and that your exhaustion was not genuine. What do you say to this?
Why would I want to intentionally do something like that after planning for almost a year? That does not make sense. You know people can say things and it is normal for them to. Sometimes, people cook up all sorts of stories.
Another majority on social media believe that you did not plan your record attempt properly, hence the collapse.
You know that you can plan, but planning can never be enough. Anything can happen even after you have planned well.
Now that your attempt was interrupted by your collapse, what are your plans? Do you intend to restart the process or submit what you have achieved to Guinness World Record?
No, I do not plan to do it again. I just want to focus on my goals and what I plan to do next. However, I will enter this attempt for the Guinness World Record, since it is a new record.
What is your advice to others who want to attempt a Guinness World Record like you in different fields?
They should go ahead and do what they want to do. You can’t stop people from trying. I did mine for African women. I have been planning to do something different since I was a teenager, so you can’t stop people from doing whatever it is they set out to do. Many people have plans to do different things, but they haven’t done it because they are scared and they don’t know what other people will say.
Tell us, what has it been like managing a massage business because some hold the belief that every massage must come with a ‘happy ending’.
It has not been easy. When you tell most people that you are a massage therapist, they start thinking otherwise, which is why I try to do things differently. If you decide to come for a massage in my spa, I want you to understand what you are coming for. I really want to change that narrative. A lot of times, people come with such requests but I tell them that we don’t do that. It is just like going to the hospital for treatment and expecting something like that. If you are coming for a session, don’t ask for these things. I have a lot of good customers though.
Did any of your customers come to your record attempt, or how did you source for clients?
Yes, most of them came just to watch, while some came to get a massage. They also brought some of their friends.
Was it free?
No one paid, it was totally free.
How did you fund the endeavour, did you get sponsors or donations?
It’s not easy to organise something like this, we spent a lot of money to put things in place, things like location and other things.
How do you feel now that you have been able to unofficially create a new record?
I feel good that I was able to push myself. I am happy I did it.
How do you intend to handle social media mentally?
I intend to ignore the negative comments and focus on the good parts. Many people came to support me and said a lot of positive things, so I intend to focus on the positives and ignore the negatives. It is normal for people to say things.