Depression, also called depressive disorder or clinical depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest as it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems, disturbing normal day-to-day activities and sometimes making people feel as if life isn’t worth living.
It is more than a bout out of the blues or a weakness that can simply be snapped out of. And it has many symptoms; feelings of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness or hopelessness, angry outbursts, irritability or frustration on even small matters, loss of interest or pleasure in most or all normal activities like sex, hobbies or sports and sleep disturbances among others.
However, there are some acts that may be a symbol of depression which many overlook. Such surprising symptoms usually appear like normal routine to individuals, but is actually an act of depression.
Some of such surprising acts include:
Excessive shopping: Do you find you are shopping out of control or covering up your spending? This is not uncommon for people experiencing depression; they develop an uncontrollable penchant for compulsive buying to lift their spirit, distract them or boost their self-esteem. This can also be a symptom of mania in bipolar disorder. So if you suddenly become an excessive shopper, take a check.
Drinking heavily: It is said that nearly a third of people with major depression abuse alcohol in a bid to cope with anxiety and negative feelings
Forgetfulness: Depression may be one reason for feeling foggy or forgetful. Studies show that prolonged depression or stress can raise the body’s levels of cortisol. This can shrink or weaken the part of the brain associated with memory and learning. Depression-linked memory loss seems to be worse for older people but treating depression may improve depression-related memory problems.
Excessive internet use: Do you find out you suddenly prefer virtual social interactions to real-life ones and spend excessive amounts of time on the internet? This may be a sign of depression. Studies have shown a link between high levels of depression and excessive internet use. People who overuse the Internet tend to spend their time on pornography, online community and game sites.
Binge eating and obesity: Studies have linked depression with binge eating, particularly in middle-aged people.
Shoplifting: It is said that about a third of shoplifters suffer from depression. For some people who feel powerless and insignificant from depression, shoplifting provides feelings of power and importance. It can also provide a rush to counter depression numbness. For people who shoplift because they are depressed, these feelings are more important than the item they are stealing, so they usually steal ridiculous things that usually aren’t useful to them.
Back pain: Sometimes, a backache that refuses to abate is a sign of depression. Studies show that depression may be a risk factor for chronic lower back pain. Yet depression can often go ignored or undiagnosed because people don’t associate it with aches and pains. And having chronic pain puts you at risk for depression.
Risky s3xual behavior: Depression is more commonly associated with lost libido than with an increased interest in s3x. But some people use sex to cope with depression or stress. Increased promiscuity, infidelity, sexual obsession and high-risk behavior such as unsafe s3x can all be signs of depression.
Exaggerated emotions: People who are depressed show little emotional expression but at other times, they show too much; suddenly irritable or explosive, exaggerated feelings of sadness, hopelessness, worry and fear and sense of worthlessness or a feeling of excessive or inappropriate guilt.
Neglecting basic self-care: The signs may be as small as not buckling up or brushing your teeth or as big as skipping physical exams or not tending to chronic conditions such as heart disease or diabetes.
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