With the future about oral s3x, one keeps wondering if it is worth the efforts, giving it consideration. This is because without oral s3x, in the way it is being presented (mouth to the s3x organs), s3x in marriage can still be great, with full satisfaction. My point is that a couple will still enjoy a rich and fulfilling s3xual life. So, why looking for what is not lost, especially with the associated life threatening risks? If couples will take their s3x escapades beyond the usual timing, location, position and form, s3x can be great fun for the married, without treading the path of oral s3x. Let couples take their s3x life to the next level, using juicy spices below, and oral s3x will be a thing of the past.
Many marriages are operating below great s3x life level, hence the increasing rate of marital disharmony. If it is not divorce, it is in fighting, separation, or the issue of infidelity. The truth is that s3x is the life wire in any marriage. If it is inadequate or lacking, the centre cannot hold in such a marriage. That is why it is not a surprise to the informed, the high rate of marital discord. It could not have been otherwise since great s3x life is an exception in many marriages.
s3x has gone beyond the conventional “lie down and lay on” approach, which makes s3x boring in this changing world of today. Knowledge in every field of human endeavour is increasing, and s3x is not an exception. Every couple must come to terms with this reality of great s3x life, borne out of increasing knowledge of how s3x act should be conducted. For any serious minded couple, s3x must be with a difference. That is, it must be great, and if it must be great, the following must be packaged into it.
Must be beyond normal routine.
This means the routine of a couple removing their clothes before engaging in the act of s3x is foreign to great s3x. Clothes will give way, or go to different directions in the great s3x act, when the fire of passion burns. Or is not true that yam peel strands do no t survive in burning fire. Great s3x is not like the track event process of “on your mark, get set, go”.
*must not be by schedule.
A l lotting time to s3x act in marriage places a constraint on great s3x life. It should be something spontaneous, rather than being regimented by time, and times per week. When a couple times only have s3x at a particular time of the day or on a number of times per week, the beauty is defeated. Surprise is the beauty of great s3x: you come when it is least expected,like a surprise birthday party.That is why early morning s3x is a form of great s3x: as you are waking up, you roll on each other, and set the field on fire.
Must not be in one location
Conventionally, marital s3x takes place in the bedroom and on the bed or mat. Sticking only to such location will rob a marriage of great s3x pleasure. Great s3x takes place anywhere in the privacy of the home: bedroom, sitting room, bathroom, dining area, on the bed, t able, chairs etc. The only rule is that of privacy.
*mono style s3x life must be avoided
The mono s3x style in marriage must be done away with.
The archaic missionary s3x position of “wife under, husband on top “ will not work for couples who desire great s3x life. Multiple s3x styles or positions have to be employed, or combined to achieve maximum enjoyment. Lack of such is one of the reasons why s3xual infidelity has been on the increase. When a partner is not providing the desired enjoyment, the other party looks elsewhere to make up. Is it right? No! But, we must not tempt ourselves into it. That is why we must up the s3x game in the home.
*lightings, decorations, and s3x dresses at home set the right mood for great s3x act.
Couples should deliberately set the right mood for great s3x in the marriage, by using any of the above. Wives should learn to provoke their husbands into s3x by their dressing, especially in the home and bedroom. Such will trigger the gun of the husbands for serious shots, that will be right on target.
*honest feedback on s3x life in marriage must be made a regular feature of the marriage, in order to make maximum impact in bed.
Couples must not pretend that all is well whenit is not. Give an honest feedback, and work on how best to handle their s3x life for maximum enjoyment.
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