Glam and style at the GTB Fashion Weekend

FashionIt was a night of style and glamour at the Guaranty Trust Bank Fashion Weekend held on Saturday, November 10 and Sunday November 11, 2018 at Victoria Island, Lagos as prominent fashion designers from across the globe showcased their designs.

Designers who showcased their works at the two-day events were Ituen Basi, Sukeina, Romeo Hunte, Gozel Green, Clive Rundel, Adama Paris, David Tlale,Lanre Da-Silva Ajayi, Ji Won Choi, Taibo Bacar, IDMA-NOF, Gert Johan Coetzee and Laquan Smith.

Tribune’s ace photographer, Sylvester Okoruwa who was at the event brings you some of the action in pix. Check them out!


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