My name is Evelyn. I am 16 years old. I need your help on an issue. I bed wet every day and I don’t know the cause. Kindly help me.
Evelyn (by SMS)
The medical name for wetting the bed is enuresis. Bed wetting is fairly common among ordinary, mature and healthy teenagers with one in every 100 wetting the bed at some stage. It can be embarrassing and difficult to talk about, even to your family or best friends. Teenage bed-wetting doesn’t mean there is something abnormal about you. Something can be done to help you, even if you think you have tried everything. There are new solutions and treatments available. While doctors and other health professionals are not always sure why bed-wetting occurs, certain conditions may cause the problem. Often, bed-wetting has been a problem since childhood. It happens to boys more than girls. Luckily, most outgrow the problem with time and/or treatment. However, at 16, it will be a good idea to see a specialist doctor (urologist) at the nearest specialist or teaching hospital to you for a proper evaluation and management.