Assop Falls is located at the base of Plateau State, about 70 kilometres along Jos-Kagoro road. The Assop River supplies the water which the rapids and falls use.
It feeds the natural vegetation of grasslands that extend into the gallery forests. The site is an area of Guinea Savanna and the vegetation comprises forests surrounded by grasslands. The waterfall occurs naturally at the bottom of the famous Hawan Kibo, a rocky, uneven hill stretching a long distance below.
Plateau is perhaps one of the most beautiful states in Nigeria. Situated in the tropical zone of the Middle Belt region, Plateau State is at the centre of the country; therefore it has a very favourable climatic condition.
Plateau is indeed the Home of Peace and Tourism. It has lots of tourist attractions and sights, traditional architecture, zoos, wildlife parks with animals like the rare pygmy hippopotamus, buffaloes, lions, leopards, baboons, monkeys, pythons, crocodiles, chimpanzees, jackals and so many others.