Divorce can be a daunting experience and a blessing to people depending on the circumstances. There are thousands of reasons people get divorced; some are even unspeakable. It’s sometimes like, “we are not working,” “I’m tired of this relationship.” Above all, some are quite common and prominent.
Here are some prominent causes of divorce:
1. Infidelity
Sincerely, not everyone decides to divorce their spouse because of infidelity but it breaks trust and of course leads to divorce most times. Extra marital affairs is such a hard thing; you keep doubting your partner in everything he or she says, you become disgusted and try to be alone. Infidelity is very prominent; a leading factor why couples separate forever.
2. Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is life threatening. Victims may die or get depressed. It is not a situation to contemplate on, considering the level of awareness now. Although, some people still stay for reasons best known to them. Notwithstanding, domestic violence is one of the common reasons for divorce.
3. Financial Problems
Lack of stable income can as well result in separation. If a couple lacks the wisdom or communication skills to address their finances, it can cause constant mayhem in the house. It’s like living in hell to some people; hence, they disunite.
4. Lack of intimacy
Lack of intimacy can make two people disconnected. Marriage is a union whereby closure is necessary to strengthen the bond of being a husband and wife. If not, sex life would be affected, there would be loneliness and resentment. All these are enough reasons for some people to quit marriage.
5. Conflict
When two individuals get to the point of constant disagreement or conflict, it would create room for hatred. The love between them starts to diminish drastically; then there is this feeling of “I’m tired” . Nothing is working here. Unresolvable conflict surely ends in divorce.
6. Lack of trust
Another factor that causes divorce is trust. This happens when couples are no longer sincere and truthful towards each other; hiding things and creating boundaries. Trust is a solidification for a marriage. If it stops existing it can as well result in separation.
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