My headache has not improved despite all the medications prescribed by my doctor. A friend thinks I may have migraine. Kindly tell me the difference.
Smart (by SMS)
A migraine is a type of headache disorder characterized by recurrent, intense headaches. Migraine symptoms can include severe headache, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, and sometimes visual disturbances known as auras.
Migraines can also involve throbbing or pulsing pain on one side of the head, and some people may experience changes in mood or appetite. Unlike headaches, it is common for migraines to last hours to days and have a significant impact on daily activities.
Triggers for migraines vary among individuals and may include certain foods, hormonal changes, lack of sleep, stress, or environmental factors. Fortunately, a doctor will be able to prescribe the ideal drugs for the treatment of Migraine after undertaking the appropriate examinations and laboratory investigations.