AT seventy, five years ago I put this tribute together and I believe it is still relevant today. My encounters with you at different times have left sweet memories in my soul. I have chronicled them below.
Are you waiting for MGO?
The very first time I would be privileged to enter Redemption Camp was during one of the Feast of Esther Conference. I think it was the 7th year of the Feast of Esther. My husband insisted I see Mummy. I had never set my eyes on her. I went to her office with a gift and I asked to see Pastor Folu Adeboye. The secretary told me to sit down. Not quite long, another woman came out and asked if I was waiting for Mummy G.O. And I said No. She left. After about 15 minutes, she came out again and asked who I was waiting for. I said, I was waiting for Mummy Adeboye. She said, that is what I have been asking you but you said No. I was confused. She never asked me if was waiting to see Mummy Adeboye. She asked if I wanted to see Mummy G.O. I did not know what the abbreviation meant, so how could I know if we were on the same page. She then explained to me that she is also referring to Mummy Adeboye. She said “that is what we call her in Redeem”. Okay…….
I opened my eyes
I got closer and started attending the Feast of Esther. One day after a session, I went to say goodbye. As I knelt, she started to pray. She started from when I was born, how my mother carried my pregnancy for nine months without fail, how she delivered safely, how the Lord kept me in my growing years. It was a detailed and chronicled prayer. At a point, I opened my eyes to see if I was still there. I looked at her, her eyes were tightly closed. In my heart, I wondered, what kind of strange woman is this? When she eventually finished, my knees were screaming. One great lesson I learnt is this: Appreciate God for every detail of your life from the beginning. Never lose sight of the goodness of God that has brought you this far.
Her bags were heavy!!!
I had the privilege of following Mummy to the Feast of Esther in Cote D’Ivoire. I had to carry her two bags all through the meetings. The bags were so heavy, my arms almost fell apart. When she needed a thing, she knew exactly in which of the bag. She never missed any detail. She knew the side of the bag she placed the thing. I could not believe this. Even at her age, she is still so sharp and intelligent. I sat there amused and amazed. What kind of strange woman is this? I have not been able to catch up with this.
I used to think I was a giver!!!
My husband and I dropped by the house to drop some gifts. We knew Daddy and Mummy were not in the country. When we were about turning to move out of the house, we saw two women running after our vehicle. When we stopped, they said we should wait. They wanted to give us snacks. We told them not to bother but the elderly woman said, “Please do not let me lose my job. I have been instructed that nobody comes into this house and leaves empty handed.” The woman was frantically begging us to wait. My husband in a sharp retort said “These people are strange. There is so much to learn around here”. Till we got to Ibadan, I did not stop thinking about what happened. Even your domestic staff have been tutored to give IN YOUR ABSENCE. What a lifestyle! I used to think I was a giver but I learnt another consuming lesson here.
Take the portion from the freezer
From Ivory Coast, she was giving her chefs instructions on what to cook and serve Daddy. I see ….. Her ministry has not taken her off her marital assignment. Her husband still remained part of her divine assignment. In my own case, once I leave town, my husband’s food destiny is in the hand of the chef. I do not look back. When my husband complains about a particular dish he was served while I was away, I come back to pounce on the chef …. “what are you being paid for when oga still has to complain about his meals? I learnt a good one here…. Be in charge even when you are not at home.
I was very quiet until…..
I was very quiet until I got close to her. Now I am very silent. Just looking at her, you will see so much peace and calm all over her. She corrects but does not throw off the spindle as some of us do. Sometimes when she wants to get upset, she will just say….. It is well. That is the end of the matter. No wonder she is clocking 75 in a good frame of mind. Mummy, I admire you so much. You have taught me so much without a school structure in place.
Where are the others?
We took our two sons to visit Daddy and Mummy one Thursday morning in 2014. They had just finished from school. When Mama came and we told her these are our children, she asked “Where are the other children?” I said, “We have two children.” She said, ‘Why?’ I said …… even these two was by the sheer mercy of God. She replied with a short prayer that brings tears to my eyes every time I remember this visit. She said ….. ‘and this same mercy will keep them for you.” I can never forget this prayer. It humbles me every time I use it to pray for them.
Dolapo wa mu tie!!!
To her, everything must be shared. Everybody from the top to the base of the ladder must partake of every good thing around her. When I tell her I am full, she would say, “fullu ko, fullu ni”. Once she says that, you had better behave yourself. What a way to live! I run a mentoring school for women ministers and the younger ones keep asking for the secrets of greatness. I tell them.. Giving life to all around you is the key. That, I understood from Mama’s lifestyle.
So she had this full blown scars?
I know in theory that Champions are products of scars. I also know that each star on a general’s uniform is actually the remembrance of a scar. Mummy told us her story publicly and I really became very sober. Like Mary the mother of Jesus, arrows have pierced her heart yet she is still scoring goals for her Lord and master. The glory of great women is in their story.
After every phone conversation…..
She says, “see you tomorrow if Jesus tarries “. See you later today if Jesus tarries. She is so conscious of heaven and confident of the coming of Jesus. You cannot be around her and not expect the coming of the Lord in the next one hour. Heaven is so real to her and joyfully she awaits the coming of the Lord. What deep intimacy!
At 75, mummy, I celebrate you. You are ONE IN A MILLION! A mother like no other. You remember everybody’s names. You overlook all our naughty attitudes. You cheer everyone of us to greatness. You give everyone space to specialise. You are ROYALTY personified….. decent and dignified, elegant and empathetic, beautiful and brave, amusing and amazing.
Thank you, Mummy for all you do. You are highly cherished and loved. You gave me a shocking birthday celebration in 2017 and this year when I clocked sixty. Thank you, Mummy! May your sweet and dogged spirit for the Kingdom be multiplied in all of us in Jesus name.
- Pastor Adelakun, Pro-Chancellor, Dominion University, Ibadan, writes in from Ibadan