Every New Year is usually associated with resolutions and expectations. With the realities most Nigerians experienced in 2024, it is natural to know how the year would fare and to be expectant with some level of faith. YUSUF ABDULKADIR and AYO AKANO sampled the opinions of some Nigerians on how they want Nigeria to treat them this year. Their views:
IniOluwa Oluwalana
We all want Nigeria to treat us well at all times. However, we cannot be ignorant of how the economy of the country is presently. I want Nigeria to be better economically. We thank God for his mercies sustaining us. In education, the government should do better in the administration or maintenance of federal universities. Lastly, law and order should be maintained by law enforcement officers. There is a lot of disorderliness. No one wants to wait for an order. We can do better by being patient, and those in charge of order need to do their best so that everything goes smoothly. We all pray that Nigeria gets better.
Hamzat Ayodele
Being a Nigerian comes with a lot of resilience and tenacity. 2024 was a rollercoaster, a year I won and lost, with days we questioned how we arrived here in Nigeria. There were incessant collapses of the national grid, floods in many parts of the country, and 2024 ending with stampedes that killed many people. I want Nigeria to treat me with utmost softness. I want an all-around improvement in every sector─ quality education, improved healthcare, notable investment in profitable infrastructures. 2025 will be our year of breakthrough in Nigeria.
Raji Amao
I sense that the Nigerian economy should boom compared to that of last year. I hope that all necessary sectors will function well to reduce the rate at which our economy is drifting in the wrong direction. I believe everything would align well. The suffering Nigerians encountered last year was unbearable. Therefore, the government should improve the situation of the country. For instance, petrol should be made affordable, prices of foodstuffs should reduced, and the cost of living minimised. This and many other things should be gauged with a controllable price barometer. Nigeria will be great again.
Akintonde Marvelous
I do not think it should be about how Nigeria treats me, but more about how I can better myself to contribute to the country’s growth. Improving my skills and mindset, being more active in my community, and fostering positive change are ways I believe I can do this. I can help create a ripple effect of progress. It is all about taking responsibility, being a part of the solution, and working towards a nation where every citizen plays a role in shaping the future ─ not just waiting for things to change.
Arowolo Adam
2025 is a year I have been looking forward to. I pray and hope that every Nigerian prospers this year. 2024 was full of dramas─ the instability of the naira, an increase in fuel price, tax reform bill, among others. I hope the Nigerian economy will be stable and favours all of us. 2025 is a year of prosperity. I claim it.
Ojekunle Adeola
I want Nigeria to treat me with fairness and dignity in 2025. I hope for a nation where opportunities are accessible to all, regardless of background or connections. I hope for a country that prioritises good governance, quality education, and a robust healthcare system. I want my efforts and talents to be valued with systems that reward hard work and innovation. Lastly, I desire a safe and secure environment where we can thrive without fear of crime or instability.
Olufemi Oluwaseun
How Nigeria should treat me sounds funny, because whether the country treats me right or not, I have full responsibility for my actions and results. However, in 2025, I would love Nigeria to treat me right with respect, including the economy and policies that affect other spheres of human life. Nigeria should pay attention to the needs of the civil servants by increasing their minimum wage and salaries, which currently cannot match up with their daily needs. Telecoms and data providers should make their services affordable. Let what they charge for their services match what we are getting. I hope to treat Nigeria with love and peace in return as it heeds my pleas.
James Idowu
I am into agriculture, and wish to expand and enlarge this year. I want my own farmland, because I do not have the capacity to rent a farmland anymore. I need government or individual support within Oyo State.
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