Are you thinking of getting a pet, but you are not sure of which breed to choose?
There are many species of dogs worldwide, but how do you know which is a good fit for you to own as a pet?
Dogs are good for many things, including companionship, security, and your overall wellbeing.
The following are the seven best dogs to have as a pet.
1. German Shepherd
This dog breed originates from Germany and is also known as a Alsatian. It is known for being alert, strong, playful, intentional, and loyal to its owner(s). The Alsatian is popularly known and used as a security dog and a guide dog. It has beautiful fur and is friendly. It is large and often requires exercise to keep fit.
A downside to note also is that while they have beautiful fur, they are liable to skin problems that can make them lose their fur, generate offensive odours, and they require extra care and attention regularly.
The German Shepherd is a great option if you’re unsure which breed to choose. Military personnel and the police usually train this breed to help track fugitives and assist with other operations as they arise.
2. Golden Retriever
This breed came to be in Scotland to help hunters in bird-hunting as a gundog and water retriever. It is a friendly, gentle and proactive dog that’s always willing to work. They can also be great guide dogs for the blind.
They require daily tasking exercises to keep them fit. They are always ready to please people and are obedient. They are not great for protection and security but are a fairly good option as watchdogs.
Because they are beginner-friendly, they are great dogs to have as pets. So, as a first-time dog owner, this is one of your best bets.
READ ALSO: 10 best dog breeds you can keep as pets
3. Boxer
This breed is known for how friendly, patient and free they often are with children. They love people and often desire human affection. According to Britannica, the breed developed in Germany with its roots traced back to ancient Assyria.
It is a very energetic dog and like a German Shepherd requires thorough exercises to stay in shape. They have expressive faces that can appear serious, but they are playful and friendly.
You can get them if you’re looking for the best dogs to get as pets, because they are great as security guards and for protection.
4. Rottweiler
According to Britannica, it is a dog that is believed to have descended from cattle-driving dogs. They also require a great deal of exercise like other dogs to keep fit. However, one thing about them is that they can be quite aggressive towards other dogs, so it’s best to keep them away from other dog breeds because of fights that can get out of hand.
They learn quickly, are great dogs to have as a pet, but they are quite stubborn and it can be hard to get them to perform tasks that they are not interested in.
5. Bulldog
Although this dog might look scary, it is powerful, protective, and loyal. There are two types of this breed: the English Bulldog and the French Bulldog. Bulldogs are strong and resilient, and they mostly display a high pain tolerance.
They are more liable to have health issues because of the flat structure of their face and their short jaw. Bulldogs are prone to overeating, especially in warm environments. Unlike other animals, they require little exercise to keep fit. They are calm and easy going in nature, and are a great fit for the best dogs to have as a pet.
6. Australian Shepherd
This was developed in the Western United States. They are also called several names such as California Shepherd, Aussie, or Spanish Shepherd. They also require a great deal of exercise to keep fit mentally and physically.
They require occasional bathing and frequent weekly brushing. They are proactive, confident and alert dogs to have as a pet, especially for people who have hours to consistently devote to engaging them.
7. Chihuahuas
If you prefer a small, playful companion, the Chihuahua might be your match.
This dog breed is the smallest known breed, also called Chi, and it originated from Mexico. The fact that it’s quite small compared to other dogs is a good reason to keep them away from contact with other dogs. They require a great extent of care and protection from their owners because of how vulnerable they are to head injury.
They are playful and full of affection, however, they are difficult to train because of their size. They can also get extremely annoying because of how quick they are to bark.
When choosing the kind of dogs to have as a pet, consider factors such as your lifestyle and how committed you can be to interacting with them.