The Speaker of the House of Representatives on Tuesday pledged to ensure that the 10th National Assembly is accountable to the people and hold the Executive Arm of Government accountable for their actions.
The Speaker who gave the charge while delivering his welcome address from the Sallah holiday, tasked members of the need for the present administration to strive towards creating an inclusive society that upholds the rule of law, protects human rights, and promotes social and economic progress for all.
He said: “Honourable colleagues, while building on the legacies of previous sessions, we must now redefine the modus operandi of legislative business as we advance. We shall strengthen committees to conduct oversight of MDAs effectively.
“Henceforth, oversight duties, including investigative hearings, must be brought to their logical conclusions with reports and recommendations tabled before the entire House for necessary legislative actions.
“The leadership of the House shall monitor this process to ensure that members conduct themselves appropriately.
“As we reconvene today, we must be guided by accountability, transparency, and good governance principles. We must hold ourselves and the executive branch accountable for their actions. The trust that the Nigerian people have placed on us demands nothing less.
“We must also ensure that our deliberations and decisions are transparent so that our citizens have faith in the integrity of our legislative processes.
“This Assembly is a citizens’ parliament. In that regard, the Committee on Legislative Agenda will engage all members through appropriate platforms to develop a citizen’s legislative agenda.
“I, therefore, call on all members to actively participate in this process when called upon. Let me emphasize that in the Legislative Agenda, the House will pay priority attention to participatory budgeting process and delivery, law reform, electoral reform, women’s participation and inclusion in governance, improved socio-economic conditions, entrepreneurship, employment, health and education, infrastructure, citizens-focused diplomacy, institutional capacity development and citizens engagement, constitutional amendment and restructuring, renewable energy among others.
“As legislators, we know that the citizens’ engagement is the fulcrum of any legislature. The 10th Assembly will adopt the ‘OPEN NASS’ Project.
“The ‘Open NASS’ project will not only affect the conduct of oversight and law-making but will equally cover issues around the funds of the National Assembly. If, as a legislature, we ask questions about how other arms of government utilize appropriated funds, we must equally be open to taking such questions from citizens.
“This equally requires having functional constituency offices and regular interactions with our constituents. We will strive to return the legislature to those who own it through regular, meaningful, and productive engagement.
“As noted in my acceptance speech, Colleagues, I remain grateful for the privilege of leading the 10th House as the Speaker. I assure you that I will not fail in discharging my duties alongside everyone.
“Let me reiterate that the House, under my leadership, will be fair to every member irrespective of our political leanings. Feel free to approach us anytime, as we carry this responsibility of service to the fatherland.
“The fanfare and excitement of elections are over. It is now time for serious business of governance.
“May I remind us once again that we have been called to serve at one of the most difficult times when our nation and people face tough challenges with huge expectations, but for us to succeed in this task ahead and bridge the massive deficit in citizens’ trust in government, we must set aside our differences and work together as patriots, committed to the ideals upon which our great nation was founded.
“Let us put the interests of Nigeria above all else and strive to create an inclusive society that upholds the rule of law, protects human rights, and promotes social and economic progress for all. Together, let us work tirelessly to address our nation’s pressing issues.
“May our collective efforts bring about positive change and transform Nigeria into a beacon of hope and opportunity.
“To achieve this, we must demonstrate a renewed hope, determination and an unwavering commitment to building a greater nation,” Hon. Abbas stressed.