The smartest animals in the world apart from man are very conscious of their environment by communication and being self-aware. These animals are also creative and good problem solvers. Some of them are curious and love to bond
Below are the smartest animals in the world as listed by Kilimanjaro:
1. Chimpanzee
The most intelligent animal after human beings are chimpanzees according to scientists. They share about 98.8% of human DNA. Chimpanzees are very skilled in problem-solving; their IQ is between 20 and 25 just like a human toddler. They are very self-aware, unlike other species.
2. Orangutans
Orangutans are the second smartest animals in the world. They are the red-haired apes of the Southeast Asian rainforests. They show high capacity in learning and memory; this is evident in how they build shelters and craft tools. Orangutans demonstrate some level of reasoning in what they do.
3. Bonobos
Bonobos are loved for their ability to solve problems or tasks. They are emphatic, and cooperative whilst maintaining peace, bonding, and sharing. Sometimes, Bonobos communicate on different levels than Orangutans. Bonobos are often mistaken for chimpanzees because of their similar appearance and DNA but bonobos are smaller.
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4. Dolphins
Dolphins are very smart animals. Their playful nature and sociability is very intriguing. One habit that shows dolphins’ intelligence is their use of echolocation. In addition, dolphins are very self-aware and cooperative.
5. Elephant
Elephants are known for their sharp memory. They can remember faces of other elephants, mourn deceased ones, and recognise routes. They love bonding and socialising.
6. Ravens, crows, and magpies
These birds are members of the corvid family. They are known to be clever and have problem-solving skills and intelligence. They craft tools from natural materials in getting food. Ravens also have the cognitive capacity to plan for the future.
7. Gorillas
Gorillas are patient, calm, and reserved, unlike chimpanzees. They are intelligent and the largest of the great apes. Gorillas are not curious like chimpanzees but they understand their environment; they use sticks to know the depth of water.
8. Orcas
Orcas also known as killer whales are very smart and they are predators of the ocean. They love bonding, hunting — by learning and passing techniques. Their ability to transfer knowledge across generations is a sign of how intelligent they are.
9. African grey parrots
African grey parrots understand both abstract and physical concepts. Their intelligence can be likened to the great apes in some aspects.
10. Dogs
Dogs are famous for being one of the smartest animals in the world. They have the ability to understand human gestures and expressions which makes them very exceptional. They can be trained to perform various tasks like detection and guiding.