Winning in life requires a win in the realm of the subconscious. You can’t win in life if you are losing in your mind. It doesn’t have to be in the immediate but with grace, faith, and dogged consistency, definitely the vision will speak and not lie.
Conflicts will always raise its head in a diversified socio-political space but we must innovate and creatively find means of making an experience out of this without conflagration.
A renowned author (Seth Godin) reminded us that the price tag first appeared 140years ago, before which every transaction was a negotiation. Sellers will push to win by charging more, while buyers maintain a stance of paying less thus influencing fluidity in our transactions.
In my profession as a realtor, market value is key to price determination, given a willing buyer and seller and extensive understanding and knowledge in the market space.
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So certainly and convenience of transaction without fear, without a hassle makes it worth it. Information and enlightenment is thus vital, just as recommended in the original practice of Democracy as designed by the Greeks.
As advocates, activists, human/civil rights proponents, CSOs, CLOs etc we must all care about forward motion than we do about the absolute win, establishment of notoriety, proceeds from alliances and the whole nine yards.
The benefits of the future for all concerned must be prioritized over the narcissistic narratives pushing for momentary wins at all cost, while treating institutions/individuals involved as opponents. We share humanity first before citizenship/nationality.
Our world has changed, the global economy is based on connection as against scarcity. The currency of this economy as already established is Trust. Money is hopeless here. Our decisions must never be made based on our current situations but based on the future (Legacy) we hope to bequeath to our young and generations to come.
While our mistakes humble us, we must never allow our achievements make us arrogant. Our lives must be a message of hope especially when we have survived severally many circumstances/events that have killed others.
As we proceed into the election year, remember that this is not about jumbled acronyms or meaningless symbols. It is about life and death, freedom and oppression, light and darkness, progress and retrogression.
Think Competence, Capacity, Clarity, Composure, Candor, Conscientiousness, and Credibility. There are no saints nor messiahs. We just need someone with the capacity to exercise genuine leadership void of the drama of populism and politics of hate. There is no we against them. The decision is yours and yours alone. Just see the world through the eyes of your loved ones and make their dreams come through by picking a leader that represents the future they crave.
You have got what it takes, but this might take everything you’ve got. Do this for the children and we all win in the end.